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John Baglow

My first PLE

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I spent ages producing this PLE but it was worth it as I have needed to pull all these things together for some time.

I still need to:

  • work on Google Reader
  • find a better way of storing bookmarks

Any suggestions?

I don't see any way round trying to work out a PLE. As a student I need to keep some sort of handle on how I think I can best learn. And as a teacher-trainer in FE I need to encourage my students to develop their own PLE and to help their own students to do the same.

In my context I think a VLE has some positive points if I work to include the participative aspects e.g. forums, blogs, wikis

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Guy Cowley

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At risk of sounding paternalistic, teaching students to develop a PLE is just one more way of saying - use a bit of control!  Enjoying drinking but not too much, socialising but not as the only end in life.  So similarly, using new technology not because you can but because you get value.  Doing a few things well rather than butterflying around without purpose.

Sounds like I am getting old!