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Maria Leonidou

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I would not know about an advertising company and if the MOOC would be appropriate or if it can work. Maybe to share content and ideas. Time is one aspect in an advertising company where ideas have to put down. And if ideas are to be shared in a MOOC how can be a leading advertising company. I think a company occupied with advertising would not want others to see and learn about new ideas and projects. Most of the time is spend in finding new ideas, which are not to be Open or Massive but secret and use only once.

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Victoria Wright

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I like the succinct way you make notes in your blog posts.

As for advertising, I agree with your comment that they would not wish to air ideas there, however they may be able to use a MOOC in ways that wouldn't necessarily involve giving away potential money-making ideas.  Perhaps, the more basic training such as how to spot gaps in the market, how to put together a proposal, give a successful presentation to customers etc. - just some thoughts.
