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Trumpet playing, 2013

Digital Human - the missing link?

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Edited by Pete Collier, Friday, 13 Jul 2012, 19:14

Aside from an interesting topic in its own right (the digitalising of our lives) we are on the way to...?surprise

I have many 'missing links' but seem to manage in my daily trek through life - I can't really blog as I don't think I have the temperament. I have spent some time, during the last 3 months, 'at' (or is it in) the OUSA Philosophy Cafe and keeping up with this is as much as I can cope with (and more). So I can't fit in the small talk and gossip that seems to be a requirement for the blog/facebook (etc.) side of things.

There does seem to be certain types of people that prefer to be in one on-line environment to another and I guess that I like the structure of the forums more than other forms of digital socialising.thoughtful

Which leads me on to the "Theory of Mind" and the "Existential Theory of Mind" - or is blog-land not the place?

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Bren P

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I've got plenty to say on ToM - much along the lines of - mant neuro-typicals seem to be lacking this, just watch Big Brother......
Trumpet playing, 2013

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Can't 'do' TV (amongst other things!) esp progs. like BBangry. I gave up on the TV as entertainment some years ago and only pick out iPlayer items such as Horizon and other documentary styles. Mainly spend time with BBC audio (R4 and World Service) programs that have been stored  - Mind Changers, Key Matters snd Discovery (WS) are a few recent sets of progs I've listened to.approve
Bren P

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I like people watching, but watch very little TV. Mainly repeats of the same progs (sci-fi) as I unwind for the night. Nothing too taxing.

Radio - well, beyond the usual R2 chit-chat, nope, tend not to do that either! Not sure what I do really. Today I spent 3 hrs on a helpline followed by 1 hr typing all the records up. By that time my little brain is all done in!

Tomorrow it's time to think about a TMA.... no ToM, only language impairments. I must look up existential..... tongueout