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Trumpet playing, 2013

It's In The Title!

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Edited by Pete Collier, Saturday, 5 Jan 2013, 20:00

Whilst busy not doing TMA03blush today but absorbing a 2011 Radio 4 (In Our Time) broadcast about The Neutrino, I have been spending some time with my recent re-kindling of listening to 1980s ‘popular’ music - see pages below! Here is a list of songs that have titular connections to S104 and this was ‘sparked’ off by Yesterday’s entering of the list of In Our Time programs that I’ve also recently listened to.

Atomic - Blondie (1980)

Tesla Girls - OMD (1984)

Together In Electric Dreams - Phil Oakey and Giorgio Moroder (1984)

Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & the Waves (1983)

Planet Earth - Duran Duran (1981)

What ever next...?

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Trumpet playing, 2013

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Ahh yes and hi Jan, but I think 'Telstar' is not 1980s but 1960s...thoughtful I picked my list from a narrow-ish selection from 80s compilation cds. There is an abundance of pop songs with titles that I will try to use - for many thingsbig grin!