Approvals, Identity and Data Protection

This project is being carried out independently of module teams, but with their consent. We will not tell your tutor or module team that you are participating in this project, but you are free to do so if you wish. If one or more of your module team members are involved in this research, they will be aware of your participation. Please note that your participation or not in this project will not affect how you are supported and assessed in your module.

All your data will be treated confidentially. Your programming partner, your tutor, and the module team will not have access to it, except when the module team member is also part of the research team. For the purposes of sharing the research results in presentations, articles, etc., we may use extracts of your sessions, journal, and interview, but they will be anonymized so that you can’t be identified.

Remember, you are free to withdraw from the research without penalty and without giving reasons, and to request the destruction of any data that have been gathered from you, up to the point at which data are aggregated for analysis. The date set for data aggregation and analysis is 31st of May 2022.

The results of any research project involving Open University students constitute personal data under the Data Protection Act. They will be kept secure and not released to any third party. The recording of the interviews or videos will be accessed only by the researcher and the supervisors, and all information collected based on the interview will be anonymized and, if published, it will not be identifiable as yours.  Your tutors and module team will not have access to any of these data, except when one or more of your module team members are also part of the research team.

For your information, the Student Privacy Policy is available at


  • This research has been reviewed and approved by the Student Research Project Panel (SRPP)

  • A Data Protection Impact Assessment have been carried out and certified by the Information Rights Team with reference number 04-05-14.

  • This research project has been reviewed by, and received a favourable opinion, from the OU Human Research Ethics Committee - HREC reference number: HREC/3492/Adeliyi. For more information on Research Ethics, visit

  • Approvals, Identity and Data Protection