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I have a garage full of boxes of cuttings and found this from the early 1990s when I still had wanderlust, and no kids to put through school and keep near to friends. It struck me regarding Scotland that we will be connected whatever happens.
We heard the debate for an independent Scotland and for a united UK - what about the case for an independent England freed from the 'burden' of the expense of Scotland? Or would having the equivalent of Greece tethered to 'our' head be a far worse burden in the long run.
Whatever happens lets all wear kilts this weekend.
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Since when was Scotland a burden on anyone?
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Some people could conclude the Gordon Brown detailing the cost of Scotland to England is a financial burden - accountants for one. Per head of population the Scottish receive substantially more in subsidies than the rest of the UK due to the age or the population and the far higher unemployment. Not a reason for England to abandon Scotland; we're not, but they may choose to go their own way. Good luck to us all whatever happens. If Independence wins then maybe other regions in the UK and Europe will do the same. The Basque Region, Catalonia (though hugely in debt). Does it make much difference? We are all joined at the head or hip or arm in various entities that have to work together to thrive and survive.
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Coming from the North East I'd see both Northumberland and Cumberland as distinct regions, Cornwall of course ... a federation of cantons on the Swiss model perhaps?
Scotland a burden on England? Far higher unemployment? Opinions regarding the referendum are great but not always factual, like yours for example, no voters and Westminster campaign claim Scotland is equal to England as are all the countries that make up the UK not a burden, last time i checked Scotland's rate of unemployed people gaining employment was rising faster than that in England. Unfortunately it has come to Scotland seeking independence for a number of reasons and opinions like your's is just one of them.
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thanks Lisa. Who said I was expressing my opinion? Are you making a point are just being rude?
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As for the stats Lisa, both sides have manipulated them to make whatever point they wish - which was the whole point. For what it's worth this 'fag end' is something an 88 year old founding partner of one of the world's largest firms of accountants expressed to me. But then again he reads the Mirror, shoots animals for a hobby and drinks too much.
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Gordon Brown's 'No' Campaign pressed home the point that per head of population the Scottish population receive more than per head of population in the rest of the UK. How might this be interpreted south of the border? Better off without? NOT and NEVER my view, just that of an irascible old man I spend time with says these things. Which is probably always his point - saying things that will get under people's skin because he likes to argue. No idea how this is or was taken because we are not doing this face to face. I'm teasing ... or teasing out opinions. Some fraction of me is Scottish. I've lived and worked in Scotland and like England and France I know the place very well having travelled through every part of it. Hated ski touring in Scotland as the weather was horrendous. Loved fishing in Loch Mari and skiing on the Nevis Range. Etc; Etc:
Devil's Advocat
Next time I say something out of turn I'll make the point that I either playing Devil's Advocate or expressing the view of a grumpy old 88 year Mirror-reading, ex-alcoholic, toothless bigot.
In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position they do not necessarily agree with (or simply an alternative position from the accepted norm), for the sake of debate or to explore the thought further.
To which I would add that in making a case for Scotland to vote 'No', Gordon Brown made the case, had we the vote in the rest of the UK, for people to say 'Yes' to independence for Scotland.
My hopes? A federation of nations, with a separate English Parliament, and replacing the House of Lords (even using the space) for a UK Parliament. I'll share this with William Hague the next time I see him.
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No one mentioned the bananas - or was that reference too prurient or obscure?