Writing that fish can sing reminded me that mice also sing.
Reprised from this blog 2 April 2010 here is a clip of a mouse singing. This is a serenade to a female mouse.
Click hereAudio player: audioS1.mp3
It was at a much higher pitch originally and has been adjusted down to a range suitable for human ears.
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That's an interesting discovery.
But, surely everyone knows mice can sing?
I wonder if and what my hamsters were singing to me when staring intently at me, clinging to the bars. Traditional rodent folk songs of rights and freedom? Heartfelt spiritual lines to nights spent roaming the deserts? Odes to cabbage leaves and carrot tops? Or filthy shanties about the need of a mate and a dripping waterbottle with an ironic yo ho ho chorus about running the wheel and getting nowhere?
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he's the mouse's
bosom buddy...
a swallow
Issa 1824