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My Presentation on Social Learning Analytics H817 Activity 13.1

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Edited by Steve Bamlett, Thursday, 7 July 2016, 09:46

The first part of this activity is to make a slide show of the wonderful first paper by Ferguson & Buckingham Brum (2013). 

I'm a bit ashamed of this boring old slide show animation in Powerpoint and mounted onto the web in Google Slides but I really want to move on now. Two EMAs and this TMA04 to do before I go to Edinburgh on 2 August for the Book Festival and a few shows. Click on the following to access:


Here I don't really build up a sense of the fictional framework that I have in mind but it will unfold. Scenario - a fictional university based on unspoken models but using the name invented by Ian McGuire in his first campus novel: Coketown University (the city was first used to represent Manchester in Dickens' Hard Times. [McGuire teaches at Manchester - or did when his first novel came out - his second (this year) North Water is a wonderful examination of cold masculinity]. Mine bears some resemblance to other 'newer' universities.

Coketown university has enormous networks in the local urban decaying industrial and a strong ITC department but this are only beginning to be brought into partnership. One model has been launched - 'Open Up', an arts & social sciences MOOC (my TMA02) & this project PEAR aims to link lifelong learning applicants to employer partners, especially in Health and Social Care. This fantasy becomes stronger, I hope as I work up to TMA04.

All the best


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Really nice and clear slideshow, Steve. I think I may steal your idea of putting my powerpoint onto a google slide show- seems quite techy to me! Claire