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Kathryn Evans

Defining Learning Analytics

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Wow its good to be back to blogging and off that bloody group project.  As ever I gave myself a week off after the TMA (which I didn't start until the Group project deadline had passed) so here I am playing catch up.  I'm also behind on my Adobe Train the Trainer MOOC - giving up teaching was supposed to help sort this out!  Oh well on with the task.

Wikipedia (2016) "Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs" 

The words that jump out at me are contexts, and environments - interesting as they seem to focus on the learners as people not statistics.  Reading on I was pleased to note this theme continued and that there were definitions which showed analytics being useful in planning support and intervention.  In fact it wasn't until the context that I felt that sinking feeling as the word accountability cropped up.  

Dipping into the history I see that the current definition is less personal, which is a worrying trend.  Maybe I was being optimistic (as ever) when I picked up the context and environments as my main points.

Siemans & Long (2011) interested me with the idea that learning analytics are transformative.  

"analytics provides a new model for college and university leaders to improve teaching, learning, organizational efficiency, and decision making and, as a consequence, serve as a foundation for systemic change. "

The idea that the analytics can shape higher education by penetrating the fog and shaping the planning of activities intrigues me, personal experience shows that to use analytics to shape learning requires constant data collection and analysis throughout the course in order to personalise the learning experience.

I couldn't find the second paper.  Maybe I'm being dense.

My reading did help to shape my thoughts towards my definition.

Learning Analytics - A model for improving personalisation of learning through understanding the contexts, experiences and environments which are shaping individuals learning experiences.

Siemans, and Long, (2016). [online] Available at: http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm1151.pdf [Accessed 6 Jul. 2016].

Wikipedia. (2016). Learning analytics. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Learning_analytics&action=history [Accessed 6 Jul. 2016].

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