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Sleep is the key ...... maybe

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Edited by Kevin Francomb, Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016, 09:48

Monday night I did not sleep well. During Tuesday I was tired and cranky. This probably impacted my study. Looking back through the blog, it does look like I have negative opinions to study when I'm tired. Again, something to take into account in the future.

If tired - sleep then study!!!

Still hurting from Sunday.

Today I managed to do a bit of studying though. Learned the basics on some models of childhood research. Did a solid 1h 30 mins. Doesn't sound like much, but its about 2 days worth of OU stuff. Well for week 4 it is anyway. I think they throw in easy weeks to allow people to catch up. This is focused more on study and less on topic, so I suppose if I were behind I'd just skip the whole week. But I'm ahead. This means I'll spend time going through the interesting stuff. 

Found a spelling mistake in one of the activities. Was pleased with myself until I realized my work is bound to have them too lol.

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