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I think I'm getting smarter!!!

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Edited by Kevin Francomb, Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016, 09:51

I'm certainly learning. Not just facts, but different ways of looking at things. My spelling is improving. Note taking is getting better.

Makes me wonder if I've wasted 20 years by not pursuing education?

Or has it taken me this time to appreciate what education can do?

Sounds like I should have done Psychology & Philosophy lol.

Didn't have a run this morning, just a morning poop and started studying. Small amounts of distraction, but otherwise a good session. Caught up on Mondays poor performance and am on schedule to finish Week 5 maybe tomorrow.

I'm not rushing ..... well I don't feel like I am. 

The concepts all seem fairly basic and I've managed to stop my inner voice from argueing with every ill-conceived point written hundreds of years ago. 

Just need to go for a run later and I will have sorted my day out nicely ...... oh and do the dishes smile 

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