OU blog

Personal Blogs

Thomas Horsted

You can’t beat a bit of Boolean

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It has been an eventful few weeks since last writing a blog. I received my TMA01 result and completed TMA02, just needs a bit of polishing and I possibly need to stick some glitter on it.

I have completed the first block and have moved onto the second one. I finding this block a little more challenging, and interesting, in equal measures. Boolean algebra and comparison gates, is quite a step up from making pretty shapes in sense. The course is starting to take shape and making me feel a little bit more like a computer scientist.

I have also complete the next online test, I found it to be fairly straight forward. I will try to keep the pace up with studying and get, at least, three weeks ahead. I feel Christmas is a time for family, friends and alcohol, especially alcohol, so I will probably take a few weeks off from studying over that period.

Leaning outcome;

  • Attenuation, interference and error correction
  • Wireless network technologies
  • GSM and cellular networks
  • How computers use symbols and formats for data
  • Protocols and Algorithms
  • Transistors, and why they are so important
  • Boolean operators and logic gates AND / OR / NOT

Looking forward to getting my teeth into more of Block two and having a look at TMA03, hopefully I will get back to writing these blogs on a more regular basis.

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