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Michael Gumbrell

staring at the blank page

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Yep, i am staring at the blank page, TMA 4 is hard, my instinct is to write a straight compare and contrast block essay, but according to my tutorial and notes that's not enough for this question.

i need to get something down, perhaps i will write a version then review it in a couple of days to see if i am happy with it.

i have never really had a TMA block before, it is frustrating...

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Me in a rare cheerful mood

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Write the conclusion first.  Write it now.

If you can do that, then you must have an idea of the argument in your head.  Use that to form an essay plan.

If you cannot write the conclusion, you re-read the relevant chapter/unit introductions and conclusions, you should then know what the conclusion should be.

Michael Gumbrell

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Your right Simon.

I am going to need a reread of the chapter material to get it straight in my head.

Thank you for your wise advise.