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Malcolm Taylor

Study and the First Assignment

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Edited by Malcolm Taylor, Wednesday, 14 Feb 2018, 20:35

Note to anyone that reads this- I take most things literary so you can laugh at what you read. I have to. 

I got all the things to study my course- Psychology BSc (Hons), near Christmas time so it was like a Christmas present from the Open University.

When my Course had officially started read the chapter I needed to and TMA1 over and over and made a plan even before the Module Introduction. As soon as I went to the introduction I realised everything was ahead by a bit well... a lot- all three parts don't to the word (roughly) just needed to type it up.

When it got to typing up, I realised that I had encrypted my assignment- thanks Autism. This meant I had to unencrypt it word by word hoping it made sense. Some how it did but the word count was lagging but at least it made sense.

So far the main issue I have with the course is how society is made and remade- my first idea is buildings get knocked down and new ones get put in their place apparently not as simple as that. Nor just added plaster to a wall, but hey look at the bigger picture- I did on my tablet pity the camera doesn't work. 

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