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Munir Moosa Sadruddin

Activity 9

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Edited by Munir Moosa Sadruddin, Saturday, 17 Feb 2018, 15:50


a.       I saw the video of Operant conditioning experiment conducted by Skinner. Pigeon behavior was shaped by controlling the environment. I argue that if the environment is controlled, then a child might not behave same in other environments. I like the idea of giving children schedule of reward as reinforce strategy. But we need to give more intrinsic rewards than extrinsic one to the learners.

Behavior is not a static characteristic. It changes by time, situation and experiences. We can shape behavior by rewards. But for consistency in changing behavior, we need to design sustainable strategies such as constant encouragement and exposure to multiple learning environments.

 I am not in favor of isolation strategy of Skinner to change behavior!

b.      In Thorndike’s ‘trial and error’ theory, he proposed that learners learn a lot of new things from trials and errors.  Also, behavior changes because of its consequences. But providing reward all the time is not a good option. It might attach behavior changes with expectations or reward all the time! If children will not receive reward, they might get demotivated! Further, new habits are also developed by situations.


According to Ausubel, learners must be taught directly through organizing materials. I am not in support of his idea. I am the proponent of Bruner’s idea of discovery learning approach.

According to Bruner “learners should be given opportunities to discover for themselves relationships that are inherent in the learning material.” So true! He proposed the teaching strategy called scaffolding, where the teacher demonstrate how to solve a problem and later give ownership to the learners to master the task, while teacher play the role of a facilitator/ supporter. In my viewpoint, it gradually shifts learners from DEPENDENCIES TO IN DEPENDENCIES.

Advantage: develop critical thinking skills, when pair diverse learners; observation is key to success; moving from simplified to complex tasks.

Disadvantage: difference of learners with regard to skills and level of competencies.

We must give opportunity to learners to take ownership of finding relationship that are inherent in the learning material.


Piaget studied how knowledge develops from birth to adulthood. Although the stages he describe is the foundation of constructivism. But I argue, why he associated development with restricted age bracket? Children are sharper today because of increasing interactions with environment and because of availability of more learning opportunity at early ages. He did not focus on this domain.  What if a child is disable or a slow learner? Children discover new things now only by knowledge but participation!

Vygotsky focuses on social construction of knowledge [learning process] and on the role of language. Learning happen with interaction with environment. The more you interact the more you learn. All children have different abilities to accomplish tasks either independent or with the help of others guidance.


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