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Richard Walker

Paf Le Chien

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 1 Aug 2018, 22:26

‘Paf Le Chien’ is a popular French joke meme, a bit like ‘Knock knock’, ‘Why did the chicken?’, ‘An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman walked into a...’ etc.

It took me a long while to ‘get’ the meme. Here’s a translation of some favourites and I hope they put the memic idea over.

Bzz the bee: It’s about a bee that lands on a high-voltage line, and Bzzzz the bee.

Broof the adventurer: A story of an adventure riding in a forest. Along came a dragon, and Brrrrooooff! the adventurer.

Schtroumpf the hamster: I was vacuuming and... Schtroumpf the hamster.

Slurp the slug: Tom was eating his salad, and Sluuuurpp the slug.

Scrunch the snail: A snail was taking a stroll, along comes a pedestrian, and Scrunchh the snail.

And here is one I invented.

Pft the sea urchin: A novice was swimming in the sea, and Pffffft their water-wings.

Ideas sur une carte-postale, SVP.

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Sean the sheep : A farmer went out with a pair of clippers, and Sean the sheep

Richard Walker

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