Becoming an OU student is quite overwhelming. I already want to go beyond this course and get a degree. I guess time will tell. So as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland I actually can go abroad and study a semester. As I am an older student with my own family... Having children attending kindergarten it made it difficult to go and study in another country, but that did not stop me. I spend quite a while researching my option. I found out that Open University is an option. Wow, can it be that easy? Yes, I checked out courses I can attend and found an online course "English for academic purposes". I read about it, it was exactly what I needed for this semester. I could not get funding because I will be studying literally from my sofa or my favorite chair at home. So no funding and the dream of attend OU was no longer an option. I was about to give up when I opened my email.... Dudo & Povl Brandt Foundation wanted to fund my study. Suddenly OU was an option. So here I am now. The course begins in October 6th 2018. This semester I am attending to universities Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and Open University. I will use my blog to tell people how an online education works, so others can have this option and perhaps attend OU in the future.
Becoming an OU student
Becoming an OU student is quite overwhelming. I already want to go beyond this course and get a degree. I guess time will tell. So as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland I actually can go abroad and study a semester. As I am an older student with my own family... Having children attending kindergarten it made it difficult to go and study in another country, but that did not stop me. I spend quite a while researching my option. I found out that Open University is an option. Wow, can it be that easy? Yes, I checked out courses I can attend and found an online course "English for academic purposes". I read about it, it was exactly what I needed for this semester. I could not get funding because I will be studying literally from my sofa or my favorite chair at home. So no funding and the dream of attend OU was no longer an option. I was about to give up when I opened my email.... Dudo & Povl Brandt Foundation wanted to fund my study. Suddenly OU was an option. So here I am now. The course begins in October 6th 2018. This semester I am attending to universities Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and Open University. I will use my blog to tell people how an online education works, so others can have this option and perhaps attend OU in the future.
OU-mi ilinniartunngorluni assut misigissutitsigut attortinnarpoq. Allamik ilinniagaqarusulereerpunga. Piffissaq qanoq issanersoq paasinarsissaaq. Ilisimatusarfimmi ilinniartutut semesteri ataaseq nunanut allanut ilinniariartorsinnaavunga. Inersimasuungama namminerlu ilaqutaqalereerlunga, meeqqerivimmiittunillu meeraqarlunga nunanut allanut ilinniariartornissara ajornarpoq. Tamannalu uniffiginngilara. Piffissangaatsiaq atorlugu periarfissanik allanik misissuivunga. Open University periarfissaasoq paasivara. Eqqarsarpunga internet aqqutigalugu ilinniartuuneq taamannak ajornanngitsigisinnaanersoq? Aap ajornanngilaq. Misissuingama soqutigisannik atorfissaqartitannillu nassaarpunga "English for academic purposes". Ajoraluartumillu aningaasaliisoqarsinnaanngilaq nunanut allanukarlunga ilinniagaqassannginnama, tassami angerlarlunga sofamit imaluunniit issiavinnaanniit ilinniarnera ingerlattussaangakku. Ajoraluartumik aningaasaliisussarsineq ajulerama namminerlu akilissagukku akisuallaarmat taamaatiinnassallugu aalajangerpunga. Email ammarakku allagarsinerama Dudo & Povl Brand fondip aningaasaliiffigissallunga aalajangersimasut. Tassanngaannaq OU-mi ilinniarnissara piviusunngorsinnaanngorpoq, aali sekund-ialunnguit matuma siorna aliasoqalunga taamaatitsinissara aalajangiukkinga. Iluatitsisimaaqaanga tassalu oktoberip 6-iani ilisimatusarfimmi marlunni ilinniartunngussaanga Ilisimatusarfimmi Open University-milu. Una blog atorlugu internet-ikkut ilinniartuuneq qanoq innersoq oqaluttuarisassavara, aamma allat paasiniassavaat periarfissaqarlutik taavalu piumagunik siunissami OU-mi ilinniartunngorsinnaallutik.