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Pernille Kristensen

66 %

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Massakkut OU-mi ilinniarninni 66 % ingerlatereerpara. Webinar-eqartarpugut tutor-erimik ilinniartinneqarluta. Allaaserinninnermi suut pingaarutillit qanorlu allattassanersugut oqaatsit suut atorneqassanersut ilitsersuisarput. Aalajangersimasumik sammisaqartarpugut taassuma iluani quiz-eqartarpoq. Eqqaamanninniarnermut tamakkua iluaqutaasarpoq. Malunnarpoq piffissaqarniarneq ullut ilaanni ajornartorsiutaasartoq. Naliginnaasumik ilinniartuunnginnatta, ilinniartoqatikka tamarmik suliffeqarpoq unnukkullu aatsaat iinniartuunertit ingerlattarlugu. Uanga Ilisimatusarfimmi ilinniartuuvunga, Namminersorlutik Oqartussat Nutserisoqarfianni sulisarpunga. Unnukkut 21.00 missaani OU-mi ilinniagassannik suliaqartarpunga. Assut ulloq sivikittarpoq susassaaleqinanngeqaaq. 

I have now reached 66 % of my OU study. We have webinars once in a while, which helps us to prepare for our studies. Tutors makes sure we learn how to write an academic paper. For instance when I write a sentence I will be asked, if I can write it in a different way, which is more academic. There are quizzes once in a while, for me they are very helpful. To be able to have time to study is challenging every day. The other OU students have full time jobs, so they study during the evening. I study in Ilisimatusarfik, and I work for the translation office for the Greenlandic government, so around 9 pm I usually spend a few hours for my OU studies. 24 hours days are not enough for me. I am always busy. 

66 % 

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Pernille Kristensen

OU online Library

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Since I am an online student I use an online library or I can use an online library when or if I should need it. I have not use it yet maybe I will before the end of semester. 

You can chat with library employees 24/7 which means that there is someone working at the library day or night even during the weekend. This is amazing because of the time difference I can go later at in the evening when I finally got time and my kids are sleeping and ask for help if I should need it. Of course I get really tired because of all the work I have to do but I like what I do so it´s all good.  

Help & support is where you can find resources for your assignments and help desk is where you can chat with an librarian. If you have any questions you can just ask them there. 

Internet aqqutigalugu OU-mi ilinniartuungama OU-ip internet-ikkut atuakkanik atorniartarfianik atuisinnaatitaavunga. Kisianni suli atunngilara, suli pisariaqartilinnginnakku. Immaqa semester naanngitsoq pisariaqartileriataarsinnaavara. Ulloq unnuarlu sapaatip akunnerani ulloq apeqqutaatinnagu atuakkanik atorniartarfimmi sulisut allaqatigisinnaavatit (chat). Tamanna torraqaaq, tassami piffissap nikinganera pissuteqataalluni uanga unnukkut ilinniakkerisassangama soorlu immaqa England-imi ullaanngoriartulersoq. Tassa meeqqakka sinileraangata aatsaat ilinniakkerisarpunga, soorunami qasusaqaanga ilinniarneralu nuannaringakku nukissanik aallerfigisarpara. 

Help & support-i ilinniakkerillutit suliatit nalornissutigilerukkit saaffigisinnaavat. Help desk-imi atuakkanik atorniartarfimmi sulisoq allaqatigisinnaavat (chat), apeqqutissaqaruillu apersuisinnaallutit. 


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Pernille Kristensen

OU is keeping me busy

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OU is keeping me busy these days. I am a bit behind on my assignment. I am confident that I will catch up, it´s ok that I am a bit behind because I am not just a student. I am also a mother of 2 boys. A 4 year old and a 2 year old. I am also a wife. So balancing things is important. 

OU-p assut ulapitippaa. Suliassannik kinguaattooqqavunga. Kisianni angummatissaanga tamanna qularinngilara, ajunngilaq kinuaattooraluaruma. Ilinniartuinnaanngilanga aamma nukappiaqqanut marlunnut sisamanik marlunnillu ukiulimmut anaanaavunga aamma ueqarpunga. Oqimaaqatigiisitsineq pingaaruteqarpoq.  

Being busy at OU

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Pernille Kristensen

1st assignment

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So I´m doing my first assignment these days. It´s not due until 8th of November so I still have time to finish it. The assignment is about how we understand a text, how we process information given to us. It´s the perfect first assignment, I´m learning how I read texts and how much I really understand what it´s about. So I´m glad I choose to study online, This is going to help me a lot during my time as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland. 

Suliassaq siulleq ingerlappara atuagassartaa piareerakku. 8. november tunniutissamat piffissaqarluarpunga. Suliassaq apeqqutitaqarpoq, apeqqutit quliupput tamarmik allakkiamut qanoq paasinnittariaaseqarnerput misissorpaa. Paasissutissanut paasinnittariaaserput ilanngullugu. Qanoq atuartariaaseqarnerlunga ilinniarpara, eqqarsaatigisarunnaaraluarakku. Ilisimatusarfimmi ilinniartutut atuagassarpassuit paasilluarnissaannut sakkussaqalerlunga misigisimavunga. 


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Pernille Kristensen

Introducing myself

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One of the things in the 1st session is introducing myself and finding similarities between myself and other OU students.

Here it goes:

I used to be a schoolteacher, I speak mix of Greenlandic, Danish and English with fellow students and friends. Mix of Greenlandic and Danish at home.  I am used to hearing English but every now and then some words seems new to me. It is a challenge for me to study online "alone", but I am not alone. I am studying online with other students from around the world. My English is simple everyday English. As an OU student I am expected to have a vocabulary good enough to be able to work and study on academic level. Sentences should be constructed academically. I was very excited about studying at OU, but I am not nervous, why is it? Is it still unreal to me? I wonder how much I will be able to understand and comprehend during the course, what will be difficult for me? Studying at OU is flexible and you can do it at your own time. Even I just started the L185 course I am already ready for another course. I wonder how things will turn out.

Ou-mi ilinniarnera aallartippoq, suliassamilu siullermi imminut ilisaritissaanga ilinniartoqatinnullu tunngasut ilisarisinnaasakka eqqartorlugit.


Ilinniartitsisuunikuuvunga, kalaallisut qallunaatut tuluttullu akulerullugit ilinniartoqatima ikinngutimmalu akornanni oqaluttarpunga. Angerlarsimaffinni kalaallisut qallunaatullu akulerullugit oqaluttarpunga. Tuluttut oqaatsit tusaaneri sungiusimavara ilaannikkullu tuluit oqaasiinik aatsaat tusakkanik peqartarpoq. Internet aqqutigalugu "kisimiilluni" ilinniartuuneq unammillernarpoq, kisiannilu kisimiinngilanga nunani allaneersut ilinniartut allat ilinniartooqatigaakka. Tuluttut oqaluttarpunga oqaatsit ulluinnarsiutit atorlugit. Ou.milu ilinniartutut naatsorsuutigineqarpoq ilisimatusartutut tuluttut oqaatsinik atuisinnaasariaqartunga. Aallartilerama pissangavunga kisianni ernumanngilanga, soormitaava? Suli upperiuminaatsippara? Eqqarsaatigaara qanoq annertutigisumik ilinniarninni paasisaqassanerlunga taavalu suna paasiuminaatsissanerlugu. OU-mi ilinniartuuneq piffissaqarnera aallaavigalugu ingerlassinnaavara. Aatsaat L185 aallartikkaluarlugu allamik aamma OU aqqutigalugu ilinniagaqarusulerpunga, pissaganaq qanoq ittoqassanersoq. 

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Pernille Kristensen

Session 1 and assignment

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Yesterday I started first session, when I finished reading I will do the assignment. I am doing it step by step when I have the time. I spent 2 hours yesterday so I am hoping I will have to for two more hours today aswell. I think I spent most of that time writing about why I am taking a course in OU, also I wrote about similarities between other OU students and me. Which is something I might add to my next post. There are introduction to the session so it makes it easier for me. There are also videos as well. 

Ippassaq atuagassakka tusarnaagassakkalu/isiginnaagassakka aallartippakka. Suliassat ataasiakkaarpakka, piffissaqaraangama ingerlattarlugit. Ipassaq 2 time missaa atorpara videot isiginnaarlugit allallungalu. Allaaserinnippunga sooq PU-mi ilinniartuunerlunga taavalu tassani ilinniartut uangalu assigiissutsigut allaaseralugit. Kingusinnerusukkut uunga allatara ilissavara. Suliassakka ilitsersuutitaqarput taamaattumik nalunarpallaanngillat. 

Session 1

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Pernille Kristensen

Booking tutorials

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Today I booked my tutorials, tutorials will ensure me needed information and updates I might need before my module starts. Because of the time difference I chose my tutorials around 12 o´clock UK time. If I´m not mistaken the time will be 9 am here.  

Ullumikkut ilinniarnerma aallartinnginnerani apeqqutissaqassagutta periarfissinneqarnermut malillugu piffissanik toqqaavunga. Englandimi nunatsinnilu piffissap nikinganera pissutigalugu 12.00 pisussat toqqarpakka. Kukkunngikkuma nunatsinni ullaakkut 9.00-jussaaq.


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Pernille Kristensen


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The "Studenthome" is where you can access everything you need as a destance learner. You can access your profilem you can access your OU blog, you can access help center (24/7 help), if you need help with the library or with your computer, they are ready to help you. You can also have contact with other OU students and you can access your modules. 

Studenthome atorluarlugu paasissutissat allallu pisariallit iserfigisinnaavatit. Profiilit iserfigisinnaavat tassaniittullu paasissutissat iluarsisinnaallugit. Ulloq unnuarlu ikiortissaqartuaannarputit assersuutigalugu bibliotekimi, computerimi allaniillu ikiortariaqaruit ikiortissatit tamarmik piareeqqapput. Ilinniartoqatitit attaveqarfigisinnaavatit, ilinniagarlu toqqakkat iserfigisinnaallugu.


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Pernille Kristensen

Countdown to study timeline

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As you can see on the picture above. I have been sent a link to a countdown to study timeline. It has made it easier to go through everything I need to do before attending my course. It has been very helpful, because otherwise I would have spend a lot of time going through everything on OU page. This timeline helped me a lot. I get to do plan my studytime, I get to work on my profile, I took a free course which helped me a lot figure how things are done and who to contact when I need help etc. I also found my studentforum for the course I am attending. The other students are already answering questions. As I pointed out it´s very helpful timeline.    

Ataani assimi takusinnaavarsi OU-miit nassiussarsiama ilaanneersoq. Tassa taanna atorlugu ilinniakkap aallartinnginnerani piareersaarpunga. Taanna iserfigeriarlugu tulleriiaarlugit misissuivunga suliaqarlungalu. OU-p quppernerani piffissarujussuaq atunngikkaluarlugu paasisassat pingaarutillit paasivakka. Ilinniakkannut piffissaq atugassara piareersarpara, profiilera suliaraara, akeqanngitsumik kursuserpunga. Taassuma kursusip ingerlanerani paasivara saaffissat kikkuunersoq, ilinniarluga atugassakka sumiinnersoq sorpassuit paasivakka. Taanna naammassimmat quiz suliaraara, akissutikka eqqortut naammammata angusivunga. Studentforum, apeqquteqarfigisagassara nanivara atornissaalu ilikkarlugu. 


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Pernille Kristensen

Becoming an OU student

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Becoming an OU student is quite overwhelming. I already want to go beyond this course and get a degree. I guess time will tell. So as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland I actually can go abroad and study a semester. As I am an older student with my own family... Having children attending kindergarten it made it difficult to go and study in another country, but that did not stop me. I spend quite a while researching my option. I found out that Open University is an option. Wow, can it be that easy? Yes,  I checked out courses I can attend and found an online course "English for academic purposes". I read about it, it was exactly what I needed for this semester. I could not get funding because I will be studying literally from my sofa or my favorite chair at home. So no funding and the dream of attend OU was no longer an option. I was about to give up when I opened my email.... Dudo & Povl Brandt Foundation wanted to fund my study. Suddenly OU was an option. So here I am now. The course begins in October 6th 2018. This semester I am attending to universities Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and Open University. I will use my blog to tell people how an online education works, so others can have this option and perhaps attend OU in the future. 

OU-mi ilinniartunngorluni assut misigissutitsigut attortinnarpoq. Allamik ilinniagaqarusulereerpunga. Piffissaq qanoq issanersoq paasinarsissaaq. Ilisimatusarfimmi ilinniartutut semesteri ataaseq nunanut allanut ilinniariartorsinnaavunga. Inersimasuungama namminerlu ilaqutaqalereerlunga, meeqqerivimmiittunillu meeraqarlunga nunanut allanut ilinniariartornissara ajornarpoq. Tamannalu uniffiginngilara. Piffissangaatsiaq atorlugu periarfissanik allanik misissuivunga. Open University periarfissaasoq paasivara. Eqqarsarpunga internet aqqutigalugu ilinniartuuneq taamannak ajornanngitsigisinnaanersoq? Aap ajornanngilaq. Misissuingama soqutigisannik atorfissaqartitannillu nassaarpunga "English for academic purposes". Ajoraluartumillu aningaasaliisoqarsinnaanngilaq nunanut allanukarlunga ilinniagaqassannginnama, tassami angerlarlunga sofamit imaluunniit issiavinnaanniit ilinniarnera ingerlattussaangakku. Ajoraluartumik aningaasaliisussarsineq ajulerama namminerlu akilissagukku akisuallaarmat taamaatiinnassallugu aalajangerpunga. Email ammarakku allagarsinerama Dudo & Povl Brand fondip aningaasaliiffigissallunga aalajangersimasut. Tassanngaannaq OU-mi ilinniarnissara piviusunngorsinnaanngorpoq, aali sekund-ialunnguit matuma siorna aliasoqalunga taamaatitsinissara aalajangiukkinga. Iluatitsisimaaqaanga tassalu oktoberip 6-iani ilisimatusarfimmi marlunni ilinniartunngussaanga Ilisimatusarfimmi Open University-milu. Una blog atorlugu internet-ikkut ilinniartuuneq qanoq innersoq oqaluttuarisassavara, aamma allat paasiniassavaat periarfissaqarlutik taavalu piumagunik siunissami OU-mi ilinniartunngorsinnaallutik.      

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