Today I booked my tutorials, tutorials will ensure me needed information and updates I might need before my module starts. Because of the time difference I chose my tutorials around 12 o´clock UK time. If I´m not mistaken the time will be 9 am here.
Ullumikkut ilinniarnerma aallartinnginnerani apeqqutissaqassagutta periarfissinneqarnermut malillugu piffissanik toqqaavunga. Englandimi nunatsinnilu piffissap nikinganera pissutigalugu 12.00 pisussat toqqarpakka. Kukkunngikkuma nunatsinni ullaakkut 9.00-jussaaq.
Booking tutorials
Today I booked my tutorials, tutorials will ensure me needed information and updates I might need before my module starts. Because of the time difference I chose my tutorials around 12 o´clock UK time. If I´m not mistaken the time will be 9 am here.
Ullumikkut ilinniarnerma aallartinnginnerani apeqqutissaqassagutta periarfissinneqarnermut malillugu piffissanik toqqaavunga. Englandimi nunatsinnilu piffissap nikinganera pissutigalugu 12.00 pisussat toqqarpakka. Kukkunngikkuma nunatsinni ullaakkut 9.00-jussaaq.