Since I am an online student I use an online library or I can use an online library when or if I should need it. I have not use it yet maybe I will before the end of semester.
You can chat with library employees 24/7 which means that there is someone working at the library day or night even during the weekend. This is amazing because of the time difference I can go later at in the evening when I finally got time and my kids are sleeping and ask for help if I should need it. Of course I get really tired because of all the work I have to do but I like what I do so it´s all good.
Help & support is where you can find resources for your assignments and help desk is where you can chat with an librarian. If you have any questions you can just ask them there.
OU online Library
Since I am an online student I use an online library or I can use an online library when or if I should need it. I have not use it yet maybe I will before the end of semester.
You can chat with library employees 24/7 which means that there is someone working at the library day or night even during the weekend. This is amazing because of the time difference I can go later at in the evening when I finally got time and my kids are sleeping and ask for help if I should need it. Of course I get really tired because of all the work I have to do but I like what I do so it´s all good.
Help & support is where you can find resources for your assignments and help desk is where you can chat with an librarian. If you have any questions you can just ask them there.
Internet aqqutigalugu OU-mi ilinniartuungama OU-ip internet-ikkut atuakkanik atorniartarfianik atuisinnaatitaavunga. Kisianni suli atunngilara, suli pisariaqartilinnginnakku. Immaqa semester naanngitsoq pisariaqartileriataarsinnaavara. Ulloq unnuarlu sapaatip akunnerani ulloq apeqqutaatinnagu atuakkanik atorniartarfimmi sulisut allaqatigisinnaavatit (chat). Tamanna torraqaaq, tassami piffissap nikinganera pissuteqataalluni uanga unnukkut ilinniakkerisassangama soorlu immaqa England-imi ullaanngoriartulersoq. Tassa meeqqakka sinileraangata aatsaat ilinniakkerisarpunga, soorunami qasusaqaanga ilinniarneralu nuannaringakku nukissanik aallerfigisarpara.
Help & support-i ilinniakkerillutit suliatit nalornissutigilerukkit saaffigisinnaavat. Help desk-imi atuakkanik atorniartarfimmi sulisoq allaqatigisinnaavat (chat), apeqqutissaqaruillu apersuisinnaallutit.