The "Studenthome" is where you can access everything you need as a destance learner. You can access your profilem you can access your OU blog, you can access help center (24/7 help), if you need help with the library or with your computer, they are ready to help you. You can also have contact with other OU students and you can access your modules.
The "Studenthome" is where you can access everything you need as a destance learner. You can access your profilem you can access your OU blog, you can access help center (24/7 help), if you need help with the library or with your computer, they are ready to help you. You can also have contact with other OU students and you can access your modules.
Studenthome atorluarlugu paasissutissat allallu pisariallit iserfigisinnaavatit. Profiilit iserfigisinnaavat tassaniittullu paasissutissat iluarsisinnaallugit. Ulloq unnuarlu ikiortissaqartuaannarputit assersuutigalugu bibliotekimi, computerimi allaniillu ikiortariaqaruit ikiortissatit tamarmik piareeqqapput. Ilinniartoqatitit attaveqarfigisinnaavatit, ilinniagarlu toqqakkat iserfigisinnaallugu.