So I´m doing my first assignment these days. It´s not due until 8th of November so I still have time to finish it. The assignment is about how we understand a text, how we process information given to us. It´s the perfect first assignment, I´m learning how I read texts and how much I really understand what it´s about. So I´m glad I choose to study online, This is going to help me a lot during my time as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland.
1st assignment
So I´m doing my first assignment these days. It´s not due until 8th of November so I still have time to finish it. The assignment is about how we understand a text, how we process information given to us. It´s the perfect first assignment, I´m learning how I read texts and how much I really understand what it´s about. So I´m glad I choose to study online, This is going to help me a lot during my time as a student at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland.
Suliassaq siulleq ingerlappara atuagassartaa piareerakku. 8. november tunniutissamat piffissaqarluarpunga. Suliassaq apeqqutitaqarpoq, apeqqutit quliupput tamarmik allakkiamut qanoq paasinnittariaaseqarnerput misissorpaa. Paasissutissanut paasinnittariaaserput ilanngullugu. Qanoq atuartariaaseqarnerlunga ilinniarpara, eqqarsaatigisarunnaaraluarakku. Ilisimatusarfimmi ilinniartutut atuagassarpassuit paasilluarnissaannut sakkussaqalerlunga misigisimavunga.