One of the things in the 1st session is introducing myself and finding similarities between myself and other OU students.
Here it goes:
I used to be a schoolteacher, I speak mix of Greenlandic, Danish and English with fellow students and friends. Mix of Greenlandic and Danish at home. I am used to hearing English but every now and then some words seems new to me. It is a challenge for me to study online "alone", but I am not alone. I am studying online with other students from around the world. My English is simple everyday English. As an OU student I am expected to have a vocabulary good enough to be able to work and study on academic level. Sentences should be constructed academically. I was very excited about studying at OU, but I am not nervous, why is it? Is it still unreal to me? I wonder how much I will be able to understand and comprehend during the course, what will be difficult for me? Studying at OU is flexible and you can do it at your own time. Even I just started the L185 course I am already ready for another course. I wonder how things will turn out.
Introducing myself
One of the things in the 1st session is introducing myself and finding similarities between myself and other OU students.
Here it goes:
I used to be a schoolteacher, I speak mix of Greenlandic, Danish and English with fellow students and friends. Mix of Greenlandic and Danish at home. I am used to hearing English but every now and then some words seems new to me. It is a challenge for me to study online "alone", but I am not alone. I am studying online with other students from around the world. My English is simple everyday English. As an OU student I am expected to have a vocabulary good enough to be able to work and study on academic level. Sentences should be constructed academically. I was very excited about studying at OU, but I am not nervous, why is it? Is it still unreal to me? I wonder how much I will be able to understand and comprehend during the course, what will be difficult for me? Studying at OU is flexible and you can do it at your own time. Even I just started the L185 course I am already ready for another course. I wonder how things will turn out.
Ou-mi ilinniarnera aallartippoq, suliassamilu siullermi imminut ilisaritissaanga ilinniartoqatinnullu tunngasut ilisarisinnaasakka eqqartorlugit.
Ilinniartitsisuunikuuvunga, kalaallisut qallunaatut tuluttullu akulerullugit ilinniartoqatima ikinngutimmalu akornanni oqaluttarpunga. Angerlarsimaffinni kalaallisut qallunaatullu akulerullugit oqaluttarpunga. Tuluttut oqaatsit tusaaneri sungiusimavara ilaannikkullu tuluit oqaasiinik aatsaat tusakkanik peqartarpoq. Internet aqqutigalugu "kisimiilluni" ilinniartuuneq unammillernarpoq, kisiannilu kisimiinngilanga nunani allaneersut ilinniartut allat ilinniartooqatigaakka. Tuluttut oqaluttarpunga oqaatsit ulluinnarsiutit atorlugit. Ou.milu ilinniartutut naatsorsuutigineqarpoq ilisimatusartutut tuluttut oqaatsinik atuisinnaasariaqartunga. Aallartilerama pissangavunga kisianni ernumanngilanga, soormitaava? Suli upperiuminaatsippara? Eqqarsaatigaara qanoq annertutigisumik ilinniarninni paasisaqassanerlunga taavalu suna paasiuminaatsissanerlugu. OU-mi ilinniartuuneq piffissaqarnera aallaavigalugu ingerlassinnaavara. Aatsaat L185 aallartikkaluarlugu allamik aamma OU aqqutigalugu ilinniagaqarusulerpunga, pissaganaq qanoq ittoqassanersoq.