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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 Oct 2024, 12:42

Anthropathology – study of sickness of human beings,
also known the 'Human condition.'

Examples include greed, lies, robbery, murder, poverty, illnesses, wars, racism.

Human beings have adapted from being hunter gatherers, living in a natural environment to farming the land.

They have built villages,  towns and cities.  Constructed homes, industries,  traded with each other,  communicated and cooperated together to improve their communities.

However, despite being capable of  great achievements, humans have also become very destructive. They have stolen land and caused wars using the most sophisticated weapons against each other.

Studying  Anthropathology, Religions, Sociology,psychiatry, Psychology, Philosophy. This can help us to understand a lot of the problems facing humanity,

Human beings are capable of addressing their 'bad' conditions by joining collectively and making campaigns to bring about public awareness of the problems that we face today and find ways to change things for the 'good'.

Change is best tackled as a collaboration of people working together on challenging issues such as environmental disaters, poverty, inequality,  diseases,  and racism. Working together to make the world a better place.

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Time Management

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024, 01:02

Settling down into a new routine of carer, for my husband after his operation. He is still waking up during the night with some pain,  I think that is mostly coming from the site of the wound itself. The pain killers are helping a lot and he was able to get a few hours sleep afterwards.

During the day I have to look after my son. We go to do some shopping at the supermarket but we can't go very far,  as I have to come back home to give hubby  his medications and he needs to take food with it so I have to make a little lunch.

In the afternoons if there is a lull I can get my son onto the computer for an hour or so, then I can do a bit of studying myself.

 I have downloaded some e books that I can read, these have questions and exercises in that I can do. Studying is all about time management, arranging everything to fit around study and care. Hopefully, I am getting there now !

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Grateful for the Induction Course!

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I am finding it difficult to concentrate at the moment and my head is all over the place!

My husband has just had his operation and I am looking after him throughout his recovery. Making sure he stays in bed to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

I am very grateful for the Induction course at the beginning of this term because I was able to get off to a flying start. Hopefully if I lag behind a bit now I can soon catch up again. Thank you OU for giving us this very useful induction course!

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My First Tutorial of L185

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 10 Oct 2024, 23:22


Last night I went to the Tutorial at 6.30pm. I was quite nervous at first,  then when I got connected and entered into the room,  I was relieved to see the Tutor Mary on the screen.  She looked so nice and friendly, smiling and very welcoming. I soon began to relax especially as other students started  to arrive.

I had to attend this Tutorial rather than the first one because I was unable to make it to the other tutorial due to the fact that I had just had my flu jab,  (my arm was still sore and Ihad a headache, which always happens after my flu jab!)

The Tutor explained all about the Module and what was expected of us in terms of scores that we needed to get to pass each unit. We had a little quiz which was great fun!  about what the all different abbreviations in the OU stood for, I managed to get most of them right!

I didn't really know anybody there at all, although some names sounded familiar. I mostly stayed quiet until the end and listened carefully to what was being said.

 I usually like to stay quiet and listen while taking notes,  unless I am called upon to answer a question. By the end of the session I was feeling quite  like I belonged there!

At the end of the Tutorial I typed "Goodnight" and "Thank you" . In the text box. I then signed out. It had been a very beneficial Tutorial and I had gleaned a lot of  useful information by attending. I am glad I managed to take part.

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🎞 Maigret Returns.📺

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 Oct 2024, 23:23

I was delighted this week by the return of Maigret the🇨🇵 french detective series on Television (on talking pictures) On Wednesdays 9pm. 🕵️‍♂️🔎
I don't know why but the sound quality 📶seemed so much better this time around!
This is so important for me as I am a bit hard of hearing.👂 I found I could understand the french language much better. Maigret speaks quite slowish anyway and so I am easily able to understand him.

As well as this I enjoy a good detective story! I don't even mind if I have seen it before,  because I get the oportunity to remember the spoken language all over  again!

🔎 à bientôt ! 👋

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Why are there wars?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 28 Sept 2024, 18:05

Why are there Wars ?
I was pondering this question and in my Bible readings the answer came

Epistle of St. James: chapter 4, v 1-4

What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at war in your members?  You desire and do not have; so you kill. And you covet and cannot obtain; so you fight and wage war.

However there is a better way in verse 7 it says;

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

NIV Bible

Let us always seek peace. 🕊

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Arranging my L185 Study Timetable

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024, 17:15

At the moment I am finding my feet with this module and thinking about my study time table.  

Last year I could usually Study in the mornings and care for my son at the same time. There have been a lot of appointments lately also for my husband who needs another operation and all these appointments usually happen in the morning, so it looks like I am going to have to move my OU study study time table to the afternoons.
This arrangement will not be permanent (I think) but just for the time being.

Hopefully I can get back to the morning study,  but while everything is so hectic for the time being then I must just go with the flow.

On the positive side I managed to read some of the texts in the resources texts book. Still working through Block 1 there is a lot of information to study. I am so glad there was an induction ! it really gives me that extra time to get ahead and study everything I need to know. 👍

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024, 17:13)
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A Translation in French

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 25 Sept 2024, 13:22

Translation of a prayer by Saint Ignatius of Loyola 

Apprends-nous, Bon Dieu, à te servir comme tu le mérites ; donner et ne pas compter le prix, se battre et ne pas prêter attention aux blessures, travailler dur et ne pas chercher le repos, travailler et ne pas demander de récompense, sinon celle de savoir que nous faisons ta volonté.
Dieu, donne-moi ton amour et ta grâce. Cela me suffit. Amen.

Translation in English

Teach us , good Lord , to serve you as you deserve ; to give , and not to count the cost , to fight , and not to heed the wounds ,
to toil , and not to seek for rest , to labour , and not to ask for reward , except that of knowing that we are doing your will."
God give me your love and grace. That is enough for me. Amen.


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Watching A French Language Film 🎞

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 25 Sept 2024, 13:27

On TV begining last night, Fridays (More 4 at 9pm) there is a  good series starting. "The Chateau Murders" 🏰  it is a very good who - done -it! For those who like to play detectives🔎

Quite a modern film,  Set in Quebec Canada in a creepy but luxurious Hotel, someone is found murdered and set in concrete in the bath tub!
It is in the French language but has English subtitles,  so great for those of us who are trying to brush up on our French, or for lovers of crime fiction.📖

 The suspect could be any one of the guests staying in the hotel many of whom had the motive to murder, or was it an outsider?

Why not find out!!

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I Concentrate on Block 1

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 21 Sept 2024, 15:22

A quiet sunny morning so I am able to have a good couple of hours studying. My son (who I am a carer for)  is on the computer doing his own thing. Thankfully all is calm in the house and in the neighbourhood. The noisy lawnmower nearby has by now stopped.

🌞☕  👩‍💻 🖥 📖⏰

Online I am still concentrating on Block1. Now I find if I click on "All weeks"  I can have full access to all Block 1, so this is good news! 

I have been able to look over a few sessions and try to grasp what needs to be done. I have already made some notes in my digital note book.
Drinking Coffee at the moment to keep myself alert. Learning lots of important things about sentences, paraphrasing, summarising and so on. This was all missing from my former education at school due to my being disrupted by my mothers illness.

These are all vitally important lessons for writing essays, especially so that I can avoid plagiarism ( which can so easily happen! ) Being able to change sentences around,  and use synonymns to change words, this can help when using other peoples pieces of writing, so that I don't copy it word for word. This is something I really need to learn so taking lots of notes!

I hope to finish reading Block 1 before the start of the term in October.
All this knowledge of sentence structures will be a good grounding, a solid foundation,  to then build upon as the course progresses.

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Reading the Printed Text book📖

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 17 Oct 2024, 18:39

I have been exploring  L185 module block 1,  now that the induction course has started and I am  impressed with the  L185 printed book   'Resource Texts'   📖

Everything looks clear and well laid out. I have nearly read all of  Block 1,  in the printed text book but I haven't yet done all the exercises yet just getting the overall gist and feel of the different Texts.

I will be keeping a journal in my digital notebook as well as reporting on my blog from time to time.
📕✒ ✍
Any new or unfamiliar vocabulary I will type in my digital notebook too.  A lot of words are academic vocabulary, and many are unfamiliar to me. I use my dictionary and online dictionaries to find out the meaning of these words.

Even though English is my first language there are some words in these texts that I have never heard of before.

I am trying to understand the facts and meaning of the texts. Who was the author? What are they saying?  Why are they writing this? When was it written?  Where was it written? How was it written?

These are the questions I will be asking myself as I read the texts. 

Looking forward to this module, to meeting my Tutor and fellow students. 👋

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Received Printed Text Book for L185 📖

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 20 Sept 2024, 19:55

I have received my printed text book for L185  English for Academic Purposes Online, and I have really enjoyed looking through it. There is something very  good about the feel of having a printed book version of the course to look at,  and to read the course materials. Having a book that I can easily pick up and put it down again rather than having to pause and having to save the page and close the computer down,  this  all takes time up,  so the book  will  be useful and readily available to hand whenever I want to read it, which is great!
However, most of the coursework takes place online,  I am preparing for this by making sure my computer is all updated ready for tutorials.
     🧭 ⛵
Today I am  just familiarising myself with the contents of Block 1 (online)
I also have the interactive e-book for block 1 from 'Resources',  which will be a great help in understanding all the tasks.
The course looks interesting and I am looking forward to the forums opening,  in order to meet other students on this course. It will also be interesting to learn about other peoples experiences of studying.

I wish everyone the best and Happy studying!

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Induction L185

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 Oct 2024, 17:14

Today was induction day Hurray!  😀 I was really excited so after eating breakfast 🥐  I  grabbed  a coffee ☕ and got started.
I was keen to make a start getting onto OU Student Home page where I soon located my new module under L185  English for academic purposes online, which I immediately clicked onto. 👩‍💻
The welcome video was the first thing to watch after reading the concise and well explained introduction.  This was very clear and well presented by the module team.
Only one  of the videos was hard to hear as I am a bit hard of hearing!  However, I soon found out,  that if I went to Resources on the menu of L185  I could access all the videos and audios from there also if I want to,  which I could hear much more clearly and were of good quality.

I read the information about the course and downloaded the study planner.  I also downloaded the study book. 📖
Overall it was a very understandable course introduction.
I will go through it again this evening, to familiarise myself further with  the  module. There is still a bit more to read,  it could take me many days or weeks!  to get the gist of Block 1 and what is expected in terms of study ! 

⌛Better get my skates on then🎿

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Using the  Smartphone for studying.📱

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 20 Sept 2024, 20:13

📱On my Smartphone I can use Samsung notes, 📕 to write down any ideas. There is also a secure folder.   I have ReadEra to keep pdfs in and e-books and coursework related materials.
I have a voice recorder to record important information,  that I can then access later on. I still have my lap top which I have to make sure that I have it updated.  🖥

⬇️I can download tutorials and other documents.
As well as this, I can use the camera 📷for screen shots and for photo copying pages for reading off line.🖨

When I need a distraction or an inspiration,  I can always play music from my playlist through my earphones!📻 🎧 🎼

Wonder if it makes a cup of tea? ☕

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Preparation for L185

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 9 Sept 2024, 18:20

I am awaiting the arrival of a printed text book for my course L185 English for academic purposes online. On Student Home - under Study material despatch date,  It says 6th of September but it might take a while longer, so  perhaps it will be here this week or next.

However, most of the course is based online.
I have a couple of paper notebooks left over from my last module, which I can still use.
My main notebook will be my digital note book because the printing is clear and I can read it better.

I bought gel pens and coloured pencils, for highlighting important words or ideas in my paper note book, where  I will make diagrams, mind maps and keep all my scribbles before transferring them onto my digital notebook ready for TMAs. On digital notebook it easy to change things and delete without the mess of rubbing things out.
At the same time I will keep a journal of all that  I am learning  on the blog.

I tend to be a patchwork writer. I write blocks of words then try to join them all together.

The Induction course will take place 11th of September.  I am still slightly nervous but not too bad, having been used to it for about 6 years now. The technology is always a bit of a challenge, but hey I like a challenge!

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 10 Sept 2024, 21:33)
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Back again!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 12 Sept 2024, 17:33

Last year I had to have a deferral due to life/health circumstances. I also had Covid. Things had built up and I just couldn't cope, but  I am now back again and raring to go!

What did I do this summer?

• I picked bramble berries and apples  in my garden and made Jam. I also made apple and bramble berry crumble pudding.

• My friend and I walked to the next village (2 miles)  We carried on walking through the footpaths and found a lovely sunny spot for a picnic in the corner of a field near to a little stream. We had a lovely walk and saw some cows,  horses and  sheep on the way and the occasional rabbit!

• Visited my eldest son in City. Went for a McDonalds meal and had a sight seing tour!

• By kind permission I was allowed to play some Bach on the  church organ in a local village church.

• Read some good books which I borrowed  from the local library. These were on my "to read list."  I had read some of them before in the past,  but I wanted to re-read them again for English practise.


•  Translated a very small book in french into the english language just for language practise.

• Went out to celebrate our wedding anniversary this week, at the White Hart Hotel in the city, there we ate the most delicious pancakes with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and maple syrup, with a glass of bubbly of course!

•  I walked a lot everyday this summer including up a very steep incline. My husband pushed me hard to do it,  as I would never dared to do this by myself!

•  I think I might be becoming fitter again at last,  after having had the dreaded  Covid .  I must perservere and keep up the good work on exercising my muscles.

I had to have a deferral from studies due to family circumstances  (various operations to help and support my family with and my own health issues to deal with) I feel much better.

•  Now there is just this English module  L185 to get through in order to fulfill my dream of achieving a language Degree!

Good luck to everyone! 

Permalink 9 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 8 Sept 2024, 12:29)
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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 17 Aug 2024, 19:13

Un Jardin révèle

 L'âme de

Son propiétaire

(Jean Gastaldi)

A climbing red roses bush

Dans mon jardin

"A garden reveals the soul of it's owner."

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 30 Aug 2024, 20:49)
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Happiness in the Garden

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 16 Aug 2024, 00:02

Lorsque l'aube pointe,
Les oiseaux
'Maitres chanteurs'
Donnent le signal
D'une belle journée.

When dawn breaks, The birds 'Master singers'
Give the signal Of a beautiful day.
"Bonheur dans le jardin-
by Jean Gastaldi.

Colourful birds

Par Léokadia

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Translating From French into English

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 25 Aug 2024, 13:24

At the moment I am translating a little book I am reading in french into english,  just for practiise. It contains some lovely little poems and sayings,  in french about the garden. I would love to translate these into the english language. Thankfully it is quite a small book, so it shouldn't take too long. The pictures are pretty good too! 

So I am going to give it a go, see if I can try to do it. The title of the book is "Bonheur dans le Jardin"  par Jean Gastaldi.

Hopefully, I can do it with the help of my trusted dictionary, as well as my general understanding of french into english language.

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Sunday in the Park

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 17 Oct 2024, 00:49

Today is not a study day, it is a holiday, but I am reading to keep on practising my language.

It is a warm sunny Sunday afternoon and very peaceful in my sleepy neighbourhood . In the distance can be heard the occasional bleating of sheep in the field that is close to the village. 

A dog barks somewhere in the street, the cats are sleeping in the garden.  Nothing much is happening right now which is great, so plenty of peace and quiet. The church clock chimes the hour, a solitary car rumbles slowly by and a collared dove coos in the nearby tree.

I am sitting on the deck chair in the garden, from here I can smell the perfume of the nearby roses on the rose bush in my garden and I can the smell the scent of freshly cut grass from this morning.
A bee softly hums nearby.

At the moment I am readng a  very good book about a woman who likes to travel. I enjoy the book and feel like I am travelling too without actually having all the hassle of leaving home!

When it is slightly cooler later on, we  walk up to the park for a little exercise before dinner.  When we did finally arrive at the park,  there are absolutely hundreds of sea gulls everywhere !

Pretty soon the whole park's  field is filled up with sea gulls!

So many sea gulls!

What are they doing here? Where have they come from?

The sea side is about 10-15 miles away. Why have these sea gulls come inland?

They seem to be just sitting, resting,  or sunbathing, on the green field. We sit at the picnic bench, and eat an ice cream as we enjoy observing this spectacular show of the sea gulls!

A group of sea gulls gather in the park

A large gathering of sea gulls

Sea gulls arriving in the park

A larger gathering of sea gulls

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The Tulip Tree

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024, 16:12

Scientists have discovered a tree that has a "new type of wood"  that could help in the fight against climate change.

They have found that tulip trees - which can grow well over 30 metres tall - and have a special type of wood. The wood can 'lock in'  carbon.
It is well known that by absorbing carbon dioxide, trees can reduce pollution, improve air quality and slow down the effects of climate change.
So what have the scientists discovered about this tree?
Can it help protect the environment?


1st august

A Tulip Tree

Trees that have the ability to capture carbon.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Monday, 12 Aug 2024, 15:44)
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Love not Hate! ❤

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 10 Aug 2024, 13:38


Better to start with Love.
If you start with hate there will be no end to it!

Who will you hate next yourself?

Love one another do no harm to your neighbour who dwells peacefully beside you. 👫👭👥👤

Seek good, not evil, that you may live (Amos 5.14)
Do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13.16)  🍞🎂🥮

Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed (Psalms 37:27-29(NIV)

Keep watch, because you do not know on what day the Lord will return.🌄 (Matthew 24v42) ⌛

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More Green Spaces

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 6 Aug 2024, 09:47

A Green Grassy Space with Tall Green Trees

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden but isn't it wonderful when you can find a good green grassy place to sit and find peace.

Bench in a green space

It is even better still when there are tall trees to sit and take shelter beneath.
This weekend I have been discovering green spaces nearby where I live. I wish there were more green spaces everywhere for people to sit in, relax and enjoy.

A patch of green lawn with trees

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 8 Aug 2024, 16:46)
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Dans le jardin 🌳🌲🌲

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 1 Aug 2024, 17:57

Lorsque l'aube pointe, les oiseaux "maitres chanteurs"

Donnent le signal d'une belle journée

Quand arrive l'été, le bonheur est dans le jardin.

(Bonheur dans le jardin deJean Gastaldi) Red climbing roses

Climbing Roses

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Love One Another

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 9 Aug 2024, 18:20

      Love one another             A dog and cat cuddling up together


Jesus said
" A new command I give you:  Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another"

John 13. 34-35
(The Bible)

This is not easy to do sometimes and not everyone is lovable!
Some people are prickly and short tempered. It may be because they have had a rough upbringing,  or that they have been rejected or hurt by someone. 

However, when they decide to put their trust in God and follow his teachings, as found in the New Testament of the Bible, will be then transformed and have hope.

A light will shine in them,  making them kinder, gentler,  softer and more loving. It may take a while but as we pray for them,  it can happen and they can start to change, to become  more enlightened, more spiritual and more like our Lord Jesus. Amen

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