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Is the world changing?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 01:30

 Been taking photos during Covid lockdown of empty streets. Nature coming closer to the city too,  with foxes, birds and other wildlife. It is a strange and interesting time. It is as if time has stood still.

Unfortunately,  it will not be for long. Getting more difficult, as paths and streets becoming very busy again.  All these little footpaths in the country side are starting to become very popular, whereas before there was never anyone on them. 

You could walk and never meet a soul. Now has there been a sudden  interest in the natural world?  People are maybe  realising  "hey, I have legs I can walk,  Perhaps  I can even use them? and not go in the car anymore?"  Maybe it will catch on this walking bug!

Pollution in the air actually dropped during lockdown!

Of course this is probably wishful thinking on my part.  Will there, but will there ever be less pollution and cleaner air? 

Or is it an idealistic dream?

It has been an unusual time lately.

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