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Helene Viel

Strategic management

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To be able to maintain a good level of balance sheet or to increase its level, we need to draw strong strategic management. By strategic management, I mean the process for conducting the entrepreneurial activities of a firm for organizational renewal, growth, and transformation.

Company missions are:

                         - basic product or service

                         - primary markets

                         - principal technology used

                         - customer satisfaction, quality, and societal goals

                         - company philosophy

                         - self-concept (identity)

The environment is:

                       - economic

                       - social-demographic

                       - political-legal

                       - technological

                       - cultural

                       - ecological-natural

We define an industry with the following points:

                       - products

                       - competitors

                       - structure (number, size, relative strenght, market share of competitors, product differentiation)

                       - economic traits

                       - critical success factors

                       - entry barriers

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