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While watching the Andrew Marr show....

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Edited by Hede Maria Cavell, Tuesday, 19 Jan 2021, 22:23

This morning, while enjoying my Sunday cuppa, l thought l would start the day  off by watching  'Andrew Marr ' and as usually follows   my  partner and l  could have our morning topical debate and move on to the wonderful positive things that make our life bearable in this crazy world right now.  This morning however it threw up more then l was expecting and l felt l just had to share my thoughts through my blog. While watching Andy Burnham and Michael Gove discuss the tier system and the conflicts this has within our society right now, I couldn't help but think of 'Antigone' and the  theme  surrounding  obedience and civil disobedience. 

These are ,(stating the obvious) exceedingly difficult times for all, and the world is changing, but this is nothing new, it is only new to us, when people say history doesn't play a part in the way the world is today, l  tend to think it does, have we really progressed ? Ok we have technology, and financial wealth but looking  back in history they also progressed they also had to deal with disasters such as plague and financial  ruin. The only change that l can see is that  each generation has a new name for these disasters . What have we learnt ? Is it progress? Sadly in my opinion we are creating more loneliness and mental health issues due to the way we have progressed in dehumanising our society.  We  replace people with machines to improve productivity and of course less time is wasted on toilet breaks and tea breaks! Governments out source work that in my opinion should  be, 'in house' one being  the welfare state, which in these present times, needs be fit for purpose ! Sadly though the thought of getting the right priced contracts with along with huge  penalties clauses over the course of several years has to my mind, taken credence. These companies are there and rightly so to make a profit for themselves. To increase  their profits some encourage staff bonus schemes to enhance competition  to save money, so where is the humanity to those who are employed by the company and to those who need this  service ? This in turn, leads me to the understanding that this has to be a false economy. Due to several out sourced contracts within the benefits system and the NHS a high proportion of  wrong decisions are  being made. People are having to appeal and are winning , which in turn is wasting government money. What is actually  gained from this? Obliviously not the the well being of the of people involved!

 Why is it that ministers can be reshuffled and acquire post without being asked for their  ground level experience in those roles ?  Is that why many of the main foundations such as the welfare system and parts of the NHS are contracted out? We vote and put our trust in our politicians maybe we should start asking for their CV's before they acquire these posts and not take them at face value ! Is it our fault for not bothering to see the bigger picture? 

Why is it we trust these individuals instead of the  professional person with the knowledge and understanding who has actually worked from the bottom to the top?  Society today appears to be run on the basis of Money, Power, Greed, and  a lack of trust.   So looking back at history in what way have we really progressed for the good of all of us? Future generations in my opinion should have compulsory lessons, to understand how important politics, economics and  history really are  instead of dismissing them. If we do not look back to the past and  continue eradicate the bits we do not like how are we ever going to change and progress in  society and have the respect and trust for each other? 

 I confess that some might find my questions and thoughts naïve but as l embark on my journey into the academic world, it has started to make me think more in depth about our society and that can only be a good thing right?

So, now l have shared my thoughts l shall toddle off and make some face masks ! Enjoy  the rest of your Sunday.smile

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