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Childhood days

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:30

       🌲 🏡🌳

In the cosy cottage Where I once grew

There were many apple trees and roses too.

It was there the scene proceeds
Children playing beneath the trees raced in their pedal cars
And grazed their knees

Smiling wth delight
As Autumn leaves fall
Playing hide and seek
Or throwing a ball

"I am bigger in my big car!"
"I am faster on my bike!"
"First one to the gate
Wins a big choclate cake!"

The echoes through the years
Of childhood days gone by
Brings a tear to my eye
O how the time does fly!

A garden swing is hanging
Which was once played upon
Now it all stands abandoned and forlorn

The chidren grown and gone!

Gill Burrell

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