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Day 31 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:57

My hand feels so much better, every time my nerve condition affects my hand it really is like repetitive strain syndrome x 10, I really feel like hitting my own hand with a hammer, luckily no hammers to hand. A bit drastic you might say, it really is theĀ  most bizarre, annoying and painful sensation. Today is a good day, sobriety is manageable, mental health, is ok, my nerve condition is ok, my mother's illness is at bay and my studies are going well, today is a blessed day, things could be so much worse, even with out what I have mentioned, I have food, water, warmth, shelter, love and people to love so I'm winning. who or what ever you bow down too I hope they bless you too.


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