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Day 37 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:53

I woke up today believing that is was Monday, I was so relieved when I realised it was Sunday. I tend not to have a favourite day as they all have a special significance, I look forward to a Sunday as I allow to be a day of rest where I can do absolutely nothing and not feel bad for it in any way, I think this stems from my mothers belief in Christianity and her teachings of Christianity to me. I try hard to respect accept all including all I dont believe in, the act that its what others believe is acceptable to me. Its so easy to believe that we are right and narrow our minds, our minds are like parachutes and only work when its open. I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and I am always work in progress and will never stop learning or trying to be the best I can be. Every days a school day.

PS I have just finished Richard Jewell, what an inspiring, feel good film.


PS. After thinking of what I wrote about the film that I just watched and how it was a feel good film, it made me wonder that I am not fully in control of my emotions, I mean I kind of knew that all my life and the diagnosis of EUPD (Emotional Unstable personality Disorder) verifies that. I have always linked my inability to regulate my emotions to negative thoughts, negative behaviours and negative actions with negative results. What I have just witnessed is the ability of a positive external force to alter my mood, I have always strived for emotional stability and the fact that I allow both negative and what could be seen a positive source to alter my mood makes realise just how difficult it can be
I have read a little about Eckhart Tole and I am astounded how he remains in a place of total self control and presence, I mean it really does boggle my mind how he is able to do it, what really I mean is I understand his teachings and how it works but to actually be able to it really is masterful, and wow!

I imagine how it would be, to be in a position where I am in total control of my thoughts and emotions and not be triggered by depression or anxiety (Past and Present) and external things such as songs, films, photos, people, places and just about anything. What does that place look like? What does that place feel like? I think thats why I lean towards Buddhism as their teachings are partly about staying present and not allowing their selves to pulled back or pushed forward by the above mentioned.

What they are showing me is that it is possible and achievable and I am ok in continuing to follow the path that got them to where they are. Having these thoughts has opened my mind to exactly how vigilant I could be to help me on my journey.

Acknowledge, recognise, name and let go.


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Practice stoicism.  Will save your life.  Also, Eckhart has a personality of a lettuce leaf so that would be why lol. tongueout

Hope all is well with you?


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Hey Sarah, I am fine today thank you, I hope you are well to. how bizarre that you should mention stoicism as myself and my nephew were talking about it last night, he was telling me how tries to implement a lot of their philosophies and how fascinated with the whole idea. I must say that I agree totally with you both, so good shout Sarah thank you. I started to read a little last night and I think its definitely worth exploring more. As for E T having the personality of a Lettice haha, I think I would quite happily trade my personality in exchange for total control of my emotions, thoughts and feelings and the ability to stay present.