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Day 41 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:52

Franz Jägerstätter................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................What are we prepared to sacrifice for what we believe in? Or will Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride be the victors of us all?


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Think about what an honor it is to die for the righteousness of God?  Not everyone is like them.  They are lost and we should pray for them that He will reveal Himself to them and if not, bind them to the cross for judgements.  They don't win in the end.  Never forget and don't get disheartened!  Keep the faith and spread the good word, He is counting on His children to do that.  Hope this finds you well? 

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Hey Jane, thank you for your response, I'm truly happy you faith comforts you.When I think of Franz Jägerstätter and what he stood for I feel inspired. When I expect all behaviours of humans, and accept all capabilities of humans I dont feel disheartened, I feel at ease. Humans can give life as well as take lives and all in between, its their perception that turns it in to good or bad, right or wrong. Acceptance and understanding discards this for me. Judge not less ye be judged and let he without sin cast the first stone. Let you judge you and I'll judge me. Hope, Faith and belief starts with me, in me and then flourishes to others, some will, some wont as suffering is inevitable and impermanence. The beauty in the nature of life. As I see you in me.


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Hey Sarah many apologise for calling you Jane, i have just finished txtin my freind and i got confused.


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We are all withes and idiots in some ones perception, we cant live our lives based on someone's perception can we. Its human nature to judge, asking a human not to judge is like asking them not to breath. The choice is whether we act on those judgement, share them, or like passing clouds acknowledge them then let them go. In experience of humans we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and others to think, feel and behave a certain way rather than accept they we are just being. I think its awesome you have given your time to engage with me and I'm sure that will be the only time i judge you I know little of you of Jane and what I do know is that you find comfort in Christianity, i think that is the basis of me telling you this, I think you will appreciate it, Satanic worshipers end their prayers with lol (lucifer our lord) GOD BLESS.

Never ever do you have to say sorry to me Jane, if you say sorry to me then I say sorry to you, as I see  me in you. After all Jane, we are only human.


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The name is Sarah or you can call me Sulis.  I go by both, not jane really is it?


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Hey Sarah, you have no idea how I love conversations like this, they get thinking of the different ways in which people feel and perceive, which gives me the chance to step in to your world laid out out by your thoughts and feelings. I like what you say, its not the norm humdrum, its very thought provoking and thats what makes me tick. Its only hard to worship the things we truly dont believe in, so that tells me that there is nothing witchy about you, humans like to label things it makes the identifying process easier and and gives them a get out clause of having to understand each another even them selves, I'd say it is that, that forces them to call you a witch, your belief in you is far more important than the thoughts of others. Its easy to fall in to trap of judging because we feel we are being judged and as for you saying choose wisely, maybe choose a different way in which we judge ourselves or maybe even if take back what I said earlier and dont judge ourselves. I think of the times when I was a rebel , and looking back I made it easy for them and found myself with a noseless face haha. I did not know that less people died in the witch trails than they have over the years about racism, I'm not doubting when I say, that must of been a whole lot of people as racism has killed lots. You say God found you! Do you remember the day it happened? How did that happen? How did it feel?


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I am sorry for the Jane thing, it really was an accident. I will call you what ever you tell me to.


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I just tried to look at your profile and you are private, I didn't want to see any way hahahaha


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fyi, I am here speaking to you for a reason.  God sent me to you. Don't ever give up. He wants me to tell you that He loves you very much.  



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Hahahaha, you do make me chuckle Sarah, what ever they have said or done they haven't taken away your sense of humour, good for you. We do attract people when we have opposing views and also when we put ourselves on offer to receive opinions that we may or may not agree on. I've learn over time that I dont always have to tell people my opinion or try to convince them to think like me and it saved me from having to explain myself and from conflict from those who differ. I cant change the world or the people in it and ever since I stopped trying I found my life more peaceful. I really do appreciate your kind words and I appreciate the fact that I am in your thoughts and prayers, I can only offer you the same dignity and offer you to the people of a higher power for safety and guidance and have faith that you will live life on life's terms.


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I think some one is deleting your comments.


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Hey Sarah, are you OK?