When you're on a roll you have to take more on. There is method here. By filling up my day with education I don't leave space for other distractions. I always have something on my mind, something else to start, from other social media projects, to applying to be a Governor, to saying yes to standing in a local election (again), to needing to learn the Adobe Creative Products I now have a licence for ... to reading the 27 books I have stacked up to review ... event to purchasing rights to a book to turn it into a TV series. There aren't enough hours in the day, which rather suggests I need to delegate, or tema-up, even start a business again.
Evaluating Your Online Teaching
When you're on a roll you have to take more on. There is method here. By filling up my day with education I don't leave space for other distractions. I always have something on my mind, something else to start, from other social media projects, to applying to be a Governor, to saying yes to standing in a local election (again), to needing to learn the Adobe Creative Products I now have a licence for ... to reading the 27 books I have stacked up to review ... event to purchasing rights to a book to turn it into a TV series. There aren't enough hours in the day, which rather suggests I need to delegate, or tema-up, even start a business again.