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Academic language vs Plain language .

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Following on from yesterdays thought of academic writing, l wondered what place does the language of accadmia hold in our social and inclusive society today? 

The format of structure, grammer and context is important however, when it comes to the language l question  why we have to use certain teminologys and not plain language. Is it to exclude parts of society?

Is it to make some feel more elitist and powerful ? When speaking to a person l knew,l told  them about my journey into the academic world , they told me that l would not understand the academic writng or the language!  (cant get anymore elitist if you tried!) 

As l am journeying through DD103 my  mind is whirling with questions, inequality and education being one. I understand that we should be writing for  our audience however, society has moved  on, discrimination and inclusion play a big part in our society today but  it appears not , regarding  writing within acadmeia. While undertaking an ,'Open Learn' , Management; perspective and practice course, it informed us how 

important using  plain language  was for all social divisions, this it was said , made it  inclusive to everyone  and not to just a few. 

In this day and age, l feel that we should be thinking about using plain language within the format so that we are inclusive of all. Many people have the understanding and knowledge and concept of the topics but feel decidely inferior when it comes to the writing and using the,'correct' language. Others who have certain disabilites can feel fustrated that their brain cannot find the 'appropritate' wording at the right time , this does not in any way mean they do not understand the context or do not have the knowledge.

I understand that purest  maybe agahst at what l have written and l quite understand as,  it has long been the tradition to use this language .  By using plain language l feel, it  would breakdown the social divisons and be inclusive  by giving  people the  opportunity to enjoy the experince of further education. So much talent from all social divisons  would have the choice to go further.

 wow ! what a thought !



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