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Enjoying the BA in languages

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:21

Enjoying the Arts πŸ“–πŸ–ΌπŸ“š

I have always had an interest in Arts and I particlarly liked doing the Arts and languages access course with the open university at the begining of my degree journey.

This has reawakened my interest in poetry which was something I remembered I had really enjoyed doing at school. Once a week a dear old lady, a retired teacher she used to come into our class and recite poetry to the class it was such a change from the usual formal lessons we normally had.

Β I was so wrapped up in what she was saying and she spoke so clearly, eloquently and with great feeling. I used to find myself looking forward to those afternoon poetry readings. The stress just used to leave me as I listened to her voice it was almost musical and it transported me to another world of make believe and adventures!

I think that It was the teachers themselves who inspired us with their enthusiasm for the subject and their great patience towards us and their willingness to share their knowledge.

The teachers I have met at the OU are like that too, they are always enthusiastic and very willing to pass on their knowledge with great patience to others.

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