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Day 60 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:07

I have finally caught up with my course work. After my Mothers week of illness i fell behind and never studied once during that period. I dont do well with pressure and i was happy get through the period relatively stress free. My year long DBT course has finished and i received a certificate that says so. In my later life i find myself finishing courses, tasks and projects with a lot of ease as compared to the earlier part of my life, i have always seen myself as a Peter Pan type character, who's never really noticed the changing of myself, until the last few years. When i refer to changes in myself, i speak from the attitude changes and the changes in my mindset, which is very much like having a cold shower, its refreshing and invigorating. I sense subtle but noticeable changes, that remind me of my learning, as at the time i dont think I'm learning anything. The internal cogs seem to be connecting like never before, maybe its age, maybe its the unconscious slip from instant gratification and seeing an instant impact to the acceptance of self reliability. As always i start to write not knowing what to say and let the free flow of thoughts take me where ever they take me, until i end up waffling on about some sort of nonsense, as i just have. Its took me over two hundred words to realise 'I'm growing up while noticing' I love the journey of self discovery, i love mini epiphanies, that realy, have been staring me in the face all the time, now i just have the time and space to see them. I suspect i have another 46 years of epiphanies to slap me in the face now i live life on life's terms. If not 46 years, then maybe the rest of time.


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