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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 18 Feb 2023, 00:24

The times we are living through are very difficult to bear, but we are finding new ways to cope with,  and adapt in this strange new world. It can be confusing, frustrating.and sad.

However, according to the news on TV there is hope on the horizon, with a new vaccine so this is a positive, especially for those of us who are vulnerable.
Just had our very first ever christmas card this year, from our friends along the road. 

With all the news that is trending at the moment I almost forgot that Christmas is just around the corner. It will be very different for many of us this year. Myself included in being appart from our distanced relatives.
The prime minister has said we have to be jolly careful this christmas!

However,  I myself have not seen many of my dear old lady friends. I don't know how they are, so I plan to just take a walk past their bungalows and see if I can see them,  and just give them a little wave, from the end of the garden. I will post a Christmas card through their letter boxes for them. Just to let them know they are not alone and that someone is thinking about them.

Christmas is often a period when the elderly feel the most lonely at this time of year.

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