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TMA 01 result time ✅

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 3 Nov 2021, 21:04

Very pleased to get my results for TMA 01 Very happy with that !
I had to ask for an extension because of family health problems. because could not concentrate at all with everything going on at home.

So I am extremely happy with the result and did better than I thought I would considering all the cicumstances.
Now I feel like I am on a roll and the next TMA is looming, although the speaking part is not my strongest point and I am quite shy really anyway.

My French writing is better, but unfortunately my speaking is still quite weak,  I think I lack confidence , so I need to strengthen my speaking skills by practicing and recording my voice, speaking in french.

I have made a start and wrote 2 pages of notes. Thats the easy part done now to speak out loud and pronounce all the words clearly and correctly.

I must not make any mistakes and not speak too fast or I may trip up, just try to stay cool and to remember that practise makes perfect.
I have to get familiar with reading my notes out loud and to convey the right meaning through the French language.

So let the battle commence !🤺

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