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Day 81 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:23
The time it took Philias Fogg to travel the world according to Jules Vern (Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours). Although I have not read the book, or dare I confess, any book for that mater. The only books I have ever read are study materials related to the degree I am undertaking. Compared to Phileas Fogg, I feel somewhat underwhelmed of my achievements thus far, I believed I was doing well reaching my third TMA and completing numerous Open Learn courses when I was first told of covid and everything shut down.
Never mind, a perfect example of why its better for me not to make comparisons. I have a bizarre take on the justification of my not reading any books, as I do not believe I have completed a book from start to finish in my life.
Some say knowledge is power and its its that phrase that I have trouble computing, as, rather than knowledge being power, I see knowledge as the mother of all ruin. As much as the cleverest person in the world believes he knows, he does not know how to prevent and cure disease, he does not know how to adequately feed, water and home each human being and he does not know how to bring an end to war. So I ask, you how important is it to know, when the simple fundamental's of life can not be figured out. What is the use of knowledge when so called clever people can not agree and come together to build on what they know.
Lemmas from Madagascar all share identical faces, whether male or female, young or old, which to the human eye, are unrecognisable and yet a baby of nine months can tell the difference when shown images of their faces, the baby will react every time the age or sex is changed. (Dr Olivier Paschalis, of the Department of Psychology at the University of Sheffield), shared a similar study. We can all agree that a baby of 9 months surly knows nothing, other than what they see and their senses for the first time, which is not shrouded in an unconditioned perception or belief system yet to be learned.
What this study tells me, is that the mind is more powerful the less it has in it, that the mind is more powerful the more open it is. From the age of 9 months each and everyone's care givers send us all down a narrow lane, that is full of, do this, dont do that, believe, this, dont believe that, this is right or this is wrong, because he or she says so. So when you have seven billion plus opinions, perceptions and belief systems telling each other what to think, what to read, what to believe, how to act, what is right or wrong and what to study, surly that closes the mind to an individual belief systems. so the more belief systems we have, the less chance there is of not thinking and when we are not thinking only then is our mind empty and open and less confused, as a result of being full of so many different perceptions and belief systems. This is the driving force of me not being able to help myself when it come to challenging all belief system that are forced upon me and the driving force of me having no wish to fill my head with a billion different thoughts of a billion different authors. 
At this moment in time I find myself swapping my understanding, from what my abusive father taught me, to the ways of the social world, in which there is no right or wrong, just perceptions of judgement passed on from one to another, moreover what happens and when it happens, the study of life while its living, just sitting, observing and taking notes. I do not dare to judge or believe I know, just that I sat and watched, and I understand. This is all work in practise.

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