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On Poverty 🥣

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 9 Nov 2021, 22:19


Welcome back to a  Vic -Tory -an Britain.  Ah! does it not warm your heart! 

The poor will go off for their allocated shop at the local food bank to pick up their supplies and soon there will be even more people going to the food banks 🥣 due to the high unemployment that is coming !  Wonder when they will be bringing back the workhouses? 🏢 the old asylums, orphanages and alms houses!

Whatever happened to "make poverty history"

Poverty and destitution all around us but that is what the nation voted for ( but not me)  Well that is what they wanted. Let's hope for great expectations 💰rather than Bleak House.


May God help us all!

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