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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Sept 2021, 12:38

I was driving to work this morning thinking about the testing for covid and those who say that it is to harvest our DNA and has nothing to do with the virus. To be honest, I wasn't sure about this but then I remembered something. At the beginning of this, I checked to see if was possible to patent your own DNA (just to ensure they wouldn't clone me after I am gone! lol!) and you can't patent your DNA, unless, it has been modified. NOW, the mRNA vaccine alters your DNA and if Bill Gates owns the patent on the vaccine, does Bill Gates now own the patent on the DNA of anyone who has taken the vaccine?  I also read something over the weekend that said that anyone who has been given the vaccine is now a genetically modified organism. Something to think about...

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SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Oh for goodness sake...! What absolute rubbish...!

The vaccine mRNA does not alter your DNA.  mRNA does not enter your cell nucleus where your DNA resides. 

Where do people get this nonsense from?


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Well, Jan, I hope your front of the queue for it. Good luck with that one and keep wearing the mask! By the way, does 'tongue in cheek' mean anything to you?  And I have a video of Bill Gates on my laptop at home on this talking about how the vaccine will attach to your DNA and create a protein spike, so TECHNICALLY changing it! But try this at 9.40 ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK0C5tFHze8

SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Thanks Aideen,

That is an excellent link.  I listened all the way through and it really describes things very well, although maybe a bit too fast for someone who has little prior knowledge of cell biology.

The time point you gave was for the little "butter ball" (the lipid nanosphere) containing the mRNA inserts the small segment of viral mRNA into the cell. 

Essentially what happens is that the fat of the lipid nanosphere merges with the outer wall of the cell which is also a lipid (technically a lipid bi-layer). The mRNA is then released into the cytoplasm of the cell, where ribosomes use the mRNA as a tiny book of instructions to make a replica of a viral spike protein and put it on the outer wall of the cell. The immune system now thinks that this is a virus infected cell (but it isn't really, it's just wearing a bit of a coat of a virus). So the immune system gets into gear and starts making antibodies that will recognise and neutralise real viruses if/when they infect a person.

The important point here is that mRNA goes nowhere near the cell's own DNA which is safely tucked away behind the defensive wall of the nucleus.  This is also covered later on in the video at about time-point 19:16. The mRNA lasts a few days before it eventually falls apart by natural cell processes. However, by this time the antibodies and other parts of the immune system will now recognise and fight of the virus.

Bill Gates is not an immunologist. So really shouldn't be taken as an expert on how a vaccine works big grin

The guy in this video really knows what he is talking about, and is well worth listening to slowly and very carefully.

So thanks again smile


SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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PS.  The way real viral infections work is to insert their mRNA into cells and then hijack the cell into making more viruses to infect more cells until a full blown illness develops..

The mRNA vaccines also get mRNA into cells, but only a tiny part of the viral mRNA, so that an infection doesn't actually occur, but there is enough similarity for immunity to develop against the virus.

Do you think you have been genetically modified when you have a cold or flu or any other virus infection?

The mRNA vaccines are no more genetically modifying you than having a cold or flu can be said to genetically modify you.



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Interesting conversation, can i ask you Jan, do you believe in cov19 and what makes you believe that cov19 exists as a deadly virus?

SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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I simply don't understand how anybody can still believe that the virus and its consequent disease doesn't exist. 

I know too many people, family and friends, who work in health care and who are at the physically and emotionally exhausting front line of dealing with the illnesses and deaths.

Where is the evidence that this thing does not exist?



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For a start, I never said it didn't exist, I want to know where it came from because it did not happen in nature. And here is another link to info on it. But what gets me is the hysterical response to what is nothing more than a respiratory flu and you would think that no one had EVER died before. People die all the time young and old. 

Bill Gates has no medical qualifications of any kind, something that I discussed previously on my blog so why don't you go back and actually read the things that I have written. But he gets to fund the WHO who are telling the rest of world what to do and making a pretty penny for himself with his investments in vaccines!



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 This isn't a vaccine like other vaccines, it is an experiment and with over  50 deaths in the US, 29 in Norway and many hundreds with vaccine injury, there are serious questions to be asked about what it does in the human body since the scientist's have sadly shown that they cannot be trusted to act in the interests of the people. And to date the virus has still not been fully isolated. But Dr Luc Montaigne has done work on it and here is something to read up on which should raise questions as to what is really going on. So, Jan instead of ragging on my ass why don't you go and do some f*cking research for yourself instead of your usual self-righteous pontificating.



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And you're going to take his vaccine, Jan, you need your head examined!

This video was taken down but has re-emerged so watch it before it disappears again.



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Interesting conversation, can i ask you Jan, do you believe in cov19 and what makes you believe that cov19 exists as a deadly virus? Jan you did not answer the question.


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Jan , i addressed a question at you, you could at least have the decency to address the answer to me.


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What you don't get Casper is that Jan is not interested in a free debate, she is only interested in trying to undermine and belittle me, as according to her and one of the other bloggers. I am the 'resident troll'. Although I don't understand why they call me that because I never trolled anyone at any time. If she was really interested in a debate or in correcting an error, her approach would be along the lines of 'Aideen, I read you piece but I think you may be wrong because I read a, b and c and I think the answer is f and not e as you have said, and this is how I came to my conclusion'. But the only engaging Jan ever does on my blog is to scream insults and abuse. I insult her ego and intellectual superiority. I'm not sure why but we used to be friendly (we did the same creative writing courses) but I think it maybe because I voted Brexit, challenged the 'climate change' fraud and maybe it pissed her off because she couldn't actually find fault with my arguments on any of them. 

Or it could be because I support Donald Trump, to be honest, I used to think Donald Trump was a bit of a comic character but his actions over the last 4 years, in the face of the most appalling abuse, has earned my respect.

Then again, it might be down to me being working class and giving the middles classes a bit of a touch. Who knows, and more importantly, who cares?


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Listen Aideen, Its not that you are the resident troll, its the level in which you both communicate, listen to this example, you tried to tell her, your belief, in something she believes she is an expert in and her answer/response was long and informal, she could not wait to come out this and that in a bid to be the smartest. 

Now instead of me telling her what i believe, i asked her a question about her beliefs and she could not answer that question, she rambled on about nothing important, given her so called expertise, but still no answer, I'm still waiting for an answer and i will never get one. So i ask myself, what do they really know? And the answer is as clear as day, nothing, they know nothing, and I'm happy with that reverse psychology. 

This is why we can not change the world, because we cant make people believe what we believe, we can only change our world remember, never let these sorts of people encourage you in feeling like a troll, you have what these so called professional will never have, which is the ability to a diverse way of thinking and an EQ that you cant get from degree. 

Never feel undermined by how clever people think they are or how clever they tell you they are, never be undermined or fell inferior to any one who boasts about an IQ, there is so much more to wisdom and life than IQ, and thats EQ, unfortunately for those people, universities cant teach that, so we end up in a better position, because, guess what, we can go to university hahahahahaha

EQ is Emotional Quotient, to have a high one means you are emotionally astute, emotionally a wear, emotionally connected to people, animals and the world, now in the every day quest for people to be the smartest people in the room the EQ gets overlooked, until it becomes PC for them to care, then they care.

This is why country leaders who are IQ rich and EQ poor serve the NWO better because they have no emotional connection and there for do not care, as opposed to world leaders who are EQ rich and IQ poor serve no purpose, because they are emotionally connected, and there for they care.

Rich people with nannies caring for their kids, (no emotional connection) then sent off to boarding school (no emotional connection)

barrack obama dropped a bomb every 20 minutes for the time he was in power and invaded 7 countries and yet he wins a nobel peace prize IQ rich EQ poor. (but he holds the door open for his wife hahahah) he serves the NWO

Donald Trump, the only president in presidential history to work for free, the lowest rate of child sex trafficking in America since studies started, the lowest tax rates through all classes, million's off food stamps, went to Korea and created peace, while people were saying "oh no there is going to be war" he walked away with a handshake, i could go on, EQ rich IQ poor, HW does not serve the NWO. Now you are the only person to get me discussing politics, as i never do, haha

And as for classes, you have the NWO breaking those apart and you have rich people pretending poor, poor people pretending to be rich and the middle class pretending their shit dont stink. oh, and my people gypsies hahaha

My protests and argument is always with the cabal, jesuit orders and the orchestrators of the NWO, so i dont conform to political correctness, and "apart from this once, i will not comment on temporary governments or leaders of countries.

Life becomes more peaceful when we put our passions and beliefs in to our own mini protests and leave the so called clever people to bask in the glory of their own ego.

Oh yeah, ego is not our amigo. 

Take care Aideen, dont let the crown get you down.


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Thank you again Caspar for the lovely comments. It's nice to get some positive feedback. I'm sure we'll have plenty of conversations again and look forward to them. 


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You are welcome Aideen, I cant sit back and watch so called 'professional people' trample on the beliefs of others, purely because they do not have the scope, or the mental ability of understanding a belief system that is different the theirs, they are academic bullies. 

"The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open" is a phrase that comes to mind and a phrase that they can not grasp the concept of. 

They try to intimidate me too with their oversized ego and IQ, based on the opinion of a book they read or a course they completed from a colonised, biased, government controlled learning system, that only serves to keep the rich, rich and the poor working for them. they have to get up pretty early, to piss in this weasel's earhole haha.

Wisdom is nothing with out EQ, and has nothing to do with egoist obsession of gathering letter's after "one;s name" hahaha.