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Day 114 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Wednesday, 3 Feb 2021, 22:58

Two mental health disorders, a chronic physical disorder, left my home to care for for my Mother in February of last year, successfully studying a BA and living in a world that is openly orchestrating the bringing to its knees, in front of the public eyes of billions, with out question and total compliance, causing death to the old and ill, causing bankruptcy and poverty to hundreds of millions, utter chaos, tyranny, dystopia and fear monger around the globe, in a way that we will never see again. All in order of the New World Order, your cabal, jesuit, political mainstream media projected world will never break my spirit, motivation, inspiration to learn a new system of education, both intellectually and emotionally, despite this, I am learning and i am growing, so good luck. I do not support you and i do not acknowledge you.



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