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Day 134 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 1 Mar 2021, 10:37

God bless al, who take the time out to work with people who struggle with substance dependency, they dont get footballers wages, they deal with emotional and thought proving people, that challenge them on a daily basis and yet they still get up every morning, day after day, relentlessly and offer their selves to the devotion of being a positive part in peoples recovery journey, people that through their selves, at their mercy, in a bid to free their selves from their terrible affliction. 

I know from personal experience that the journey is a constant battle, so i tip my hat to the ones who throw caution to the wind and go for it, and think fondly of the families that are related to those who dont make it. I also understand why people put off the battle for sobriety, as it can be a challenging and daunting process. I urge those who put their selves in the victim role, to take responsibility for their actions today and stop justifying their reasons to use substances as a coping mechanism, based on what happened yesterday, i urge those people to walk away from the blame game, as this is what gives the responsibility away "you broke me, there fore you must fix me", when we have this belief system we stay stagnant in our addiction with no hope sobriety.

Dwelling on the past, blaming those for past suffering and who we perceive to be responsible for where we are now, only adds the drawn out process of suffering and inevitable puts off the healing process, until we can grasp the concept, that our choices have put us where we are today, and therefore we are responsible for where we are today, only then can the search for sobriety start.

We can acknowledge our sufferings and like clouds, watch it, recognise it, acknowledge it as we let it go, there is a fine line between blame and responsibility, and its that fine line that can mean the difference between suffering and an end to suffering. Responsibility means we take action for where are, it will enable us to let go and move forward, as blame makes way for actions that only serve to keep us stagnant, while we sit, hold tight and watch as life passes us by.

The life, times and struggles of Caspar Smith's substance misuse.

© C.Smith 2021


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