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Why are we afraid of being 'Human'?

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While listening to the radio this morning with  my partner, a topic on the radio led to the discussion surrounding being human. The topic was regarding the surge in cosmetic enhancements. This was apparently due to people seeing themselves on Zoom.

What makes us feel so inadquete that we have to be clones of others ?

If it is to make us 'feel good' and accepted how long does this last ? If we cannot accept ourselves fully surley the, 'feel good factor' will disappear and sooner or later that can just add to the worries that may already be instilled. At this point l would like to say l am not adverse to anyone that has these procedures if they are already accepting  of themsleves , however what is it about our human traits we dont like ? What do we fear? Why do think that by changing the outside to look like others it will resolve issuses? How does this fit in with the topic of diversity and acceptance?

 Why do we fear our failures ?  For the most part  we can blame the computers for what goes wrong but, who builds them?  Who programmes them? We do, but we can hide our failures behind that circuit board why?

Who controls the way people should act, why is it you are seen as weak if you admit your failings ?

Being human is to accept all of ourselves the positive and the negative but somehow it appears we can accept the positives but not the other. Negative human traits help us to understand grow and learn, however we do not seem to be able to accept this. We appear to use our reptilian brain more and more thus, the  use of flight of fight becomes a daily occurance and not just for the  occasional fleeting use.  We appear to  live in a society which is in  fear of our  individuality and failings. 

Looking back in history and to the present day humans may have progressed in the material way but when it comes to accepting the whole of us, as a wider audience, we tend to want to deny and disreagrd the negative side of human nature.   Society appears to pick and choose at will from the buffet,its not about the people's indiviuality, but control, aesthetics, and judgement.  In my opinion,we need to be able to overcome this barrier if we wish to move on.


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