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Day 169 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021, 14:21

I am beginning to feel the benefit of of going to my bedroom and taking my medication at around 7pm, it sounds so simple right? Well, you'd think so. I am actually waking up at a decent time in the morning again, i always used to be a morning person but my medication took that away and now i am getting back, so up yours medication, i win. 5 different types of medication, involving 16 tablets per day, anti-psychotics, antidepressants and painkillers for a chronic nerve condition.

 In an ideal world i would be sucking the world dry from natural remedies but somehow the instability in my mental health and mood swings makes the simplest of tasks so difficult. Being an addict in recovery, the last thing i wanted was to become dependent on on more substances, at least it gives me something to aim for, so, always the optimist.

I'm heading off to do my chores, it feels so good to be awake and watching the morning, it's a beautiful morning, as all mornings are beautiful, just to be a part of it is beautiful, i care not what the weather says, rain, wind sleet or snow, as i do not depend on that to alter my mood, if only it was that simple. 

I hear people say "you only live once",although, i believe they could say "i only live once" and not speak on behalf of me as i disagree, the morning is my rebirth and the chance for me to right my wrongs, start again, and learn something new, every morning i am reborn, i will only die once folks.

Have a nice day people.


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