The ale experience. This replaces the residential school which is usually held in Vernon in France but because of covid 19 restrictions cannot take place. Instead the town of Aix-en -Provence will be the focus of the alternative learning experience study.
This year there was a series of tutorials and a study theme upon the town of " Aix-en- Provence " in the south of France. I found this part of the course to be interesting and challenging.
Before the start of each tutorial we had to do a preparation study which was inportant to be able to be ready to give answers to the questions about the subject to be discussed in french. These were as follows;
1) Welcome and introduction to the a.l.e and what will be expected. What you have to write on the forums. How to understand a given text. Answer the given questions. About the team project. Working and studying n Aix.
2) The Geography of Aix-en- Provence understanding the given text and understanding history of Aix. Some of the other regions nearby. Then answer questions.
3) The environment and politics of the town, the mayor and the town council. President Macron's speech. Politics in France and questions.
4) Powerpoint presentation of Aix-en-Provence to the whole class by groups.
In prepartion time you may have to look up something on the internet or follow a line of study in the student guide book.
Each of the subjects has to have been studied to a certain extent before in the french modules but other new information may also be covered.
Then in break out rooms you have to pool your knowledge together with other team members about the particular topic of discussion about French life.
Someone from the group in turn is assigned to speak in french once back in the main class and will read out the answers given by the group in french to the rest of the class.
The tutor confirms what they say and will add further information if necessary.
During the sessions you are expected to study one aspect of the town of Aix-en-Provence and write about it briefly to contribute towards a powerpoint presentation in session 4 using photographs, pictures and texts.
On the final tutorial these will be presented in front of the whole class with each member of the group speaking aloud in french about their own particular chosen aspect, there will also be questions to answer. It feels like we have really got to know well this town of Aix-en -Provence!!!
Unfortunately I experienced some technical problems but tried to follow the best I could.
Then at the end after a certain time the paticipants will be awarded a certificate for taking part in the a.l.e.
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Bonjour Gillian,
This seems like a really interesting course. I can empathise with you as regards the technical glitches. For me, those would be really frustrating to the momentum of the learning curve. However, the experience of the actual participation and subject matter must be very rewarding.
Bonne chance et bonne continuation,
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Hi Gillian,
It sounds like they've done their best to compensate for lack of residentials this year. I hope you get a good grade
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Merçi à vous deux!