Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 21 Jan 2024, 19:41
Power to the people!   ðĪš
Jesus Christ was himself the first socialist revolutionary. He went against the authority of his day by upturning the tables of the money lenders.( Matthew 21 verses 14-17)
He was in fact saying "Down with the Capitalists you who want to rip us all off ! "
Those who want more and more. The greedy! The money grabbers! We have to stand up to them and say no! enough is enough!
They will not get away with it!
Our words must be heard. The people will speak.
Jesus overturned the tables of the money lenders in the temple because Jesus was for the people he loved people and was against those who were exploiting them. He never killed anyone or did violence to anyone but he was willing to sacrifice his own life by taking a great risk.
That is why it was very difficult for the authorities of the day to convict him at first because he hsd hurt no one, he did no wrong, was an innocent man, a good man, and he respected the lives of others. He was a just a peaceful protester but he was not afraid to show his anger against the injustice that he saw being done by the authorities.Â
All they could do was to turn the people against him which they cunningly did because they were evil !
The authorities gave back to the people Barabus in exchange for Jesus, he was also a rebel a bit of a robin hood character, a thief, a bit crooked, but less dangerous for the authorities to deal with. but he was not to everyones taste. He could not speak like Jesus and gather the crowds.
Those who followed Jesus including both men and women. Mary, Salome, Mary Magdalen, Veronica, Joanna, Mary Clopas and other women too. He treated as them equals as co-workers to men not as inferiors. Jesus respected women. They were his disciples too. He had many other followers by this time in the country including his twelve closest allies. He was gaining great popularity all the time.
Jesus was for the poor, the dispossessed, the sick, the lonely, the excluded, the down trodden.
Jesus did not like the rich life style of the elites who just take ! the hypocrites, greedy capitalists, hateful cruel people or those who are ruining this earth by their insatiable greed.(Revelation 11.18)
The Lord Says
" I will bring to ruin those who are ruining the earth" (from Revelation 11.18.) They are the ones responsible for global warming !
The polluters who spoil who take everything out yet put nothing back again to replenish the earth.
Those who easily consume everything relentlessly on a whim without a care for others they never hold back, they even rob from the poor!
Remember the seven deadly sins greed is one of them!
Jesus will break the evil doers, Not by physical violence but by the power of his words!
A powerful sword that shall come forth from his mouth. (Revelations 19v15) With this he will kill his enemies. We shall stand behind him on that great day!
Jesus loves the meek, the merciful, the kind and humble. The keepers, the carers, the healers,the sharers, the givers as well as those want peace, who want to do good and make the world a better place. (Sermon on the mount Matthew chapter 5)
Do the evil doers not hear the warning from God!
Plagues (Revelation 16) will come and the earth will wear out like a mouth eaten garment ( Isaiah 51 v 6))
But it doesn't have to be like that not on our watch!
Giving is better than receiving, but giving, the giving of yourself, your resources, gifts and talents. Share what you have with those who have not.
Do not love money more than people. Money is the root of all evil!
Jesus is just, for God is just. Jesus is like God the father because he knows him and he is like him. We can be like him too!
God knows what is in the heart of us his people. He knows we are capable of making a fairer
society with the help of Jesus based on sharing, caring and looking after one another this is a far better society. Let us practise now for that time when one day soon all men will be equal and live in peace together. For in that day surely the wolf will lie down with the lamb. (Isaiah 11v6)
The. Revolutionary
Power to the people!   ðĪš
Jesus Christ was himself the first socialist revolutionary. He went against the authority of his day by upturning the tables of the money lenders.( Matthew 21 verses 14-17)
He was in fact saying "Down with the Capitalists you who want to rip us all off ! "
Those who want more and more. The greedy! The money grabbers! We have to stand up to them and say no! enough is enough!
They will not get away with it!
Our words must be heard. The people will speak.
Jesus overturned the tables of the money lenders in the temple because Jesus was for the people he loved people and was against those who were exploiting them. He never killed anyone or did violence to anyone but he was willing to sacrifice his own life by taking a great risk.
That is why it was very difficult for the authorities of the day to convict him at first because he hsd hurt no one, he did no wrong, was an innocent man, a good man, and he respected the lives of others. He was a just a peaceful protester but he was not afraid to show his anger against the injustice that he saw being done by the authorities.Â
All they could do was to turn the people against him which they cunningly did because they were evil !
The authorities gave back to the people Barabus in exchange for Jesus, he was also a rebel a bit of a robin hood character, a thief, a bit crooked, but less dangerous for the authorities to deal with. but he was not to everyones taste. He could not speak like Jesus and gather the crowds.
Those who followed Jesus including both men and women. Mary, Salome, Mary Magdalen, Veronica, Joanna, Mary Clopas and other women too. He treated as them equals as co-workers to men not as inferiors. Jesus respected women. They were his disciples too. He had many other followers by this time in the country including his twelve closest allies. He was gaining great popularity all the time.
Jesus was for the poor, the dispossessed, the sick, the lonely, the excluded, the down trodden.
Jesus did not like the rich life style of the elites who just take ! the hypocrites, greedy capitalists, hateful cruel people or those who are ruining this earth by their insatiable greed.(Revelation 11.18)
The Lord Says
" I will bring to ruin those who are ruining the earth" (from Revelation 11.18.) They are the ones responsible for global warming !
The polluters who spoil who take everything out yet put nothing back again to replenish the earth.
Those who easily consume everything relentlessly on a whim without a care for others they never hold back, they even rob from the poor!
Remember the seven deadly sins greed is one of them!
Jesus will break the evil doers, Not by physical violence but by the power of his words!
A powerful sword that shall come forth from his mouth. (Revelations 19v15) With this he will kill his enemies. We shall stand behind him on that great day!
Jesus loves the meek, the merciful, the kind and humble. The keepers, the carers, the healers,the sharers, the givers as well as those want peace, who want to do good and make the world a better place. (Sermon on the mount Matthew chapter 5)
Do the evil doers not hear the warning from God!
Plagues (Revelation 16) will come and the earth will wear out like a mouth eaten garment ( Isaiah 51 v 6))
But it doesn't have to be like that not on our watch!
Giving is better than receiving, but giving, the giving of yourself, your resources, gifts and talents. Share what you have with those who have not.
Do not love money more than people. Money is the root of all evil!
Jesus is just, for God is just. Jesus is like God the father because he knows him and he is like him. We can be like him too!
God knows what is in the heart of us his people. He knows we are capable of making a fairer
society with the help of Jesus based on sharing, caring and looking after one another this is a far better society. Let us practise now for that time when one day soon all men will be equal and live in peace together. For in that day surely the wolf will lie down with the lamb. (Isaiah 11v6)
Reference; The Holy Bible