This morning, which was very cold but sunny, passed in much the same way as always. Housework followed by clothes washing. I then studied for about an hour before starting the lunch.
This afternoon ventured out to the supermarket this is only about 5 minutes away to the end of our road and over the main high street that runs through our village.
It was surprisingly quiet inside the supermarket, and as the shopping was not too heavy, I decided to ta ke a bit of exercise. I took the road leading into the village and walked around the market place. Most shops were still closed here appart from newsagents, that sells some food supplies it is also a post office , the greengrocers, the chemists and the fish and chip shop.
I sat for a few moments on the bench in the market square to watch the circulation of traffic and people. It was peaceful with only the occaisonal car passing this will change in the next couple of weeks. After lockdown is lifted.
My next door neighbour walked by on her way to greengrocers she waved and I waved back. She is a nice quiet neighbour hardly ever makes any noise. She is always very friendly.
I carry on walking around the square then I take the back road passing the co-op to the footpath that leads onto the nearby fields. There are some lovely white woolly sheep there in the field gently grazin, munching on grass they stop and lift their heads as I pass by them, they then they carry on grazing.
I take a good look around at these two fields, because they will very soon be gone. A building company will soon be moving in here to build a new estate, the sign posts are already up. I wonder what will happen to the sheep and the hedges, the beautiful old trees and the little stream on the far side
I hope they will keep the lovely old trees, perhaps they will be able to stay as they are a fair way off and they border the field. They are bound to build a pavement here on this side on the footpath close to the supermarket. People need houses and shops that's for sure and maybe it will be beneficial to the economy of the village, or perhaps they will just take their cars and travel into the city to shop?
But of course for the residents, it will mean that we will have to walk a further 10-15 minutes to reach the nearby countryside. I will miss the wild life around here. I shrug my shoulders everything changes! After a few minutes, I turn round and quickly make my way home again back to the village.
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Hi Gill,
Sounds like a lovely walk
We have the same problem with housing estates being built on agricultural land here. Then they have the gall to name the roads things like Squirrel Close and Badger Drive, when the real wild life has been driven away.
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Hi Jan,
Exactly I agree with you. There is one road called bluebell lane but there are certainly no bluebells!
BW Gill