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Study and Walking in the country

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 21:07

This morning starrted as a bitterly cold day! With just a brief appearance from the sun. I wanted to take a walk before starting to study and taking notes again for the EMA. For L222 I had to clear my head so I could think clearly!
I needed the exercise but I did not want to venture too far,  as overhead big black rain clouds were threatening. The sun was shining, trying to break through the clouds. ⛅🌦

First of all  a walk around the park which was empty today and from there up a little further to the cemetery. Walked through the cemetery and out the gate at the other side. The wind was gusty so I held onto my  hat, and I walked quickly. I then climbed over the style and got onto the footpath, this leads me around the field. At this point I still felt safe being in full view of the houses backing on the edge of field,  so I walked along the footpath, where the back gardens face onto the field ( most have fences up) but some don't. 🏡🏡🏡

I passed by to the end, then walked along the outer edge of the woods. There was not one person in sight, so I decided to walk a bit further down as far as what used to be the little farm  but is no longer used as a working farm anymore  and the house is all closed up, but the outer buildings still store farming vehicles. I walk past there, and  right to the end of the field,  then I turned and walk to the end part of the field.
🌲🌲   🌄  🚜
Here there was a flock of sheep 🐑standing grazing, 🐑 I stand there for a while looking at them sheilding my eyes from the bright sun, they were far off to the side and under a tree but I could still hear them bleating. The neighbouring field had two horses in it that were busy eating from 2 bales of hay, left there for them.🦄🐴 they seemed very hungry today. Must be the cold weather!

The field I am now walking it will be full of wheat  🌾  by the summer all being well,  and  depending on the weather conditions. At the moment there are  just green shoots coming up. This is all good farming land.  I walk the border of the field where some apple trees grow and you can find some big red apples in the summer!  🍎 🌳
We used to have fun when the children were young trying to knock the apples off with a long branch or stick.  I smile as I remember, where did the time go? They seemed like such carefree days, or is that just me romantisising?

Final lap now as I turned back towards the village. I can see the church spire ⛪I know my little  cottage is 🏠 just nearby. I can either go back past the cemetery again or take the footpath leading into the village. I go through the village 🏘because I must go to the shops. After that I will go home and have my breakfast of coffee and toast.


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