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Study afternoon

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 June 2021, 10:27

I have spent the afternoon preparing the second part of the EMA for L222 the personal development plan. I listed all my difficulties as well as my achievements.
I wrote it in English first to understand what my meaning is and what I wanted to get across. Now I just have to translate it.
It was cold outside when I went out earlier on. It has been raining and the cats came in. They are now curled up asleep one on the armchair, the other on the setee. I had to put the fire on because it was so cold. I don't know what has happened to the weather lately. I don't think I ever remember such a cold spring as this one.

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SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Cats are very wise smile


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Hi Jan,

Thank you. Yes I agree with you!