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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 06:27

It feels like winter yet it is spring. One of the coldest April's for sixty years they say. Every morning I am having to switch on the fire and I am still feeling the cold! ❄
Get myself in the mood for studying. Computer on, I-pad at hand, notebook, pens, pencils at the ready.

The last EMA of the year is coming up and it feels very important like a milestone along this journey of gaining an education more than halfway there now. Next term English (creative writing.)
It seems like another era since I decided to take on this language course.

I was slightly younger then, feeling a lot stronger, fitter and still full of beans, like I could still do anything I wanted to, but it was a risk. "Why not go for it!" I was told. So I did.
Now the years have flown by and time has moved on.

 A pandemic has struck, getting older, the body more tired, frailer and slower. Some family deaths, family illnesses, loss of employment, the heavy weight of family responsibilities. Personal set backs,.

The loss of enthusiasm for new projects. Just wanting to keep safe, which I once would have found really boring but now it seems like the best option!

I am sure others must feel the same way. High spirited youth seems to have vanished away and what is left is a steady slow determination to just plod on and finish what I started, doing what I set off to do all those years ago that is to obtain a degree in languages. Just hope I haven't left it too late! 🤔 lol!

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